Amarjit Singh
Department of Computer Science, HP University Shimla, India M.P.Thapliyal
Department of Computer Science,HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar(Garhwal), Uttaranchal, India M.M.S.Rauthan
Department of Computer Science,HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar(Garhwal), Uttaranchal, India D.K.Joshi
Department of Computer Science, Amravati university, Amravati (Maharashtra), India
Because of e-commerce, the world stands at the threshold of a new revolution. Currently, regulatory structures in many countries limit market access by infrastructure providers. But with the transformations coming around frequently, with the liberalization of the telecommunication sector world wide, the use of electronic commerce will increase rapidly. Electronic Commerce provides new opportunities for all overseas firms to access India’s domestic market and vice versa. In fact, it has set the ball rolling in India. Every service and information about the product is available just on a mouse click on computers.The modern technology offers an opportunity to enterprises to upgrade themselves and enter the global market at the right time and at a low cost. This would work like a wonder drug for our entrepreneurs. In India, E-commerce is just a beginning but its advantages are going to be realized soon. Whether the net impact of these developments will bring the desired result will depend on the capacity of the whole nation to prepare a domestic environment which encourages full participation in the global information economy, the effectiveness in contributing to an international environment which makes necessary the use of Internet as a tool to enhance communications, conduct commerce, and increase the value offered to the customer and the eagerness, the willingness, and also the capacity of the whole nation to act and respond quickly and purposefully in
References: CII, 2001. E-commerce in India: How to make it happen?, Report of the CII National Committee onmE-Commerce 2000-2001 (Confederation of Indian Industry). Das, Sanchita, 2001. Cables in the deep, 2-15 April 2001. Department of Telecommunication, India, 2001. DOT Annual Report 2000-2001. Goldman Sachs, 2000. Report on IT Global Services . NASSCOM, 2001. NASSCOM Survey (March 2001). NASSCON and BCG, 2001. E-Commerce Opportunities for India Inc. (study report prepared by NASSCOM and The Boston Consulting Group) . People’s Daily Online, 7 April 2001. Asian B2B e-commerce approaches quarter of world’s total Varma, Yograj, 2001