On December 14, 2012 many elementary school students and teachers died due to an awful shooting in Connecticut. The massacre of Sandy Hook elementary. ” Twenty students and six teachers to be exact.” says Jeffery Kluger author of Time magazine. This became a very impactful event in history all due to one person: Adam Lanza.
Classes were under way at the school and about 700 students were present that day. As he entered he headed toward two kindergarten and first grade classrooms. In one classroom there was a substitute teacher filling in for a teacher on maternity league. The killer shot all 14 students in that class and then the teacher. In the next class the killer shot teacher, Victoria Soto, …show more content…
Mostly being parents and relatives of the children who got murdered early that Monday morning in mid-December. “ Still cannot believe our son Daniel is no longer here to cuddle on snowy winter mornings or challenge him to fooseball games before school.” - says Mark Barden, parent of 7-year-old Daniel Barden, who got shot and killed.
Now you may think the kids and teachers that escaped the school in time are very lucky, yes that is very true but you also have to think about the ones who did not. The teachers who risked their lives are really the heros of that day. They basically gave their lives up for students who were highly in danger that day. One teacher that saved her classroom full of students was Ms. Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis.” She locked 15 students into a tiny 3-ft.-by-4ft-. bathroom to save them from the gunman” , Adam Lanza. As a result “The gunman took his own life” Police said. “ He took out a handgun and shot himself in a classroom as law enforcement officers approached”To this day we honor many young students and teachers lives. Especially those who saved the lives of others of that day.The people of this world are all blessed to have a life and to be living it to the fullest. Our country is thankful each and every one of them who risked their lives for ours. Many lives were changed by this impactful event. “ This could’ve happened to me.” says Kimyrian , a young teen that attends Apollo