The Berlin Conference was a meeting of all Europe to decide who got what parts of Africa and they used “the principle of effective occupations” to do so. The principle of occupation was an idea where if a European country had a flag on a certain part of africa it belonged to them. This principle was a major help to the Europeans when they conquered Africa because they had to do very little to control it. However, the goal of the Berlin …show more content…
Trade can be a profitable enterprise that brings money into a country; the more money a country has the stronger they could be. The demand for raw materials was very high so the country with the most raw material was going to make more profitable trade, or there was a possibility of the Europeans taking it over. The United States found successes with this trade model due to their overabundance of raw material. This overabundance could make The United states would be rich if they could set up more trade points than they currently had. The United States not only traded with Europe but they also made a profit and gained what they wanted by trading with other countries like the Philippines and