The americans STARTED by removing power from the original government in place in Hawaii.
So, in the 1880’s, the island nation of Hawaii was governed by a monarchy. In all actuality, the president of the US wanted Hawaii to retain its sovereignty. It was essentially taken over by an american fruit baren by the name of Sanford B. Dole. In 1849, Hawaii became a protectorate of the US via economic treaties. These treaties led to an abundance of american businessmen on the islands. These businessmen pressured the monarchy of the islands to limit voting rights to wealthy landowners. Most of the wealthy landowners, however, are wealthy businessmen, and this all results in the natives being incapable of voting, while the rich americans do it all FOR them. In 1887, the american, european, and elite hawaiian natives in the Hawaiian government pass the Bayonet constitution, stripping the monarchy of power through force of …show more content…
arms. In 1891, queen Liliuokalani ascended to the Hawaiian throne, following her brother's death.
In response to her people, she started working on a constitution that would place power back in the hands of the monarchy, and restore the native’s ability to vote. The businessmen on the island, most prominently Sanford B. Dole, seized power, and imprisoned queen Liliuokalani. The business people wanted Hawaii annexed from the US. This would remove taxes on imports from Hawaii, and put a large sum of money in the hands of Dole and his cohorts. Up until that point, Hawaii had enjoyed a tariff free favoured trade status, thanks to a treaty signed in 1875. The McKinley tariff in 1890 drastically raised the price of
In 1894, the Republic of Hawaii is established, and Sanford B. Dole is made its president. Then president Grover Cleveland did some research, and found the overthrowing of Liliuokalani illegal, and pushed for her return to power. However, Dole ignores the president's protestations, more or less, and just does his own thing. Hawaii is made an american territory in 1897, effectively getting rid of any chances for the monarchy to return to power, and ensuring the american dominance and effective suppression of the native island culture.
So, in conclusion, the white businessmen of America moved to Hawaii to get in on the sugar trade. Hawaii’s monarchy was persuaded and manipulated into stripping the right to vote from the natives, save for the Hawaiian elite. The monarchy was then deposed through force of arms. Later, a native stepped up to take the throne, and was thrown in prison for her troubles, when she attempted to put through a new constitution restoring the power to the island's natives, as it should have been. Cleveland managed to find that the queen's imprisonment was illegal, but was too late to really DO anything about it, and Hawaii was made a US territory, making them subject to the sane government and laws that worked through the US as well, resulting in yet another people dominated by the americans, to be subjugated and oppressed, though to a much lesser extent.