
Imperialism Not Triumphant Analysis

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Imperialism Not Triumphant Analysis
Dah-Witt Holder
September 14, 2015
Albert Van Thornout
HST 1370-LD01
“Imperialism Not Triumphant”

According to William J. Duiker, “imperialism is the effect that a powerful country or group of countries has in changing or influencing the way people live in other, poorer countries.” It has taken place in the past and will continue to take place for years to come as long as someone more powerful, be it monetarily or military, decides they want more capital than they already own. Some instances of modern day imperialism include the USA and our invasion of Iraq, Britain in African colonies like Zimbabwe, and also France in Rwanda and the Ivory Coast. Imperialism can bring forth positivity such as methods of transportation and communication or improved sanitation and modern technology. Yet there are extremely horrific outcomes of imperialism. Allow me to shed light on the dark perils of imperialism imposed upon the Congo by King Leopold II, with which I disagree, through the years of 1885 to 1908. If one leaves it to King Leopold II of Belgium, his intentions were pure. All he wanted was to improve the living conditions of the poor people of the Congo. However, King Leopold II was a ruthless, capitalist, tyrant.
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Rape, mutilation, starvation, loss of land, and deaths were nothing shy of the horrendous perils endured by the Congolese. These harsh treatments were to the benefit of the Belgium Empire and none of the profits ever made it to the Congolese. While they endured these harsh treatments, King Leopold II of Belgium and other Belgian colonists enjoyed a lavish life reaping 95% of the profits. Imperialism in this sense is unethical, unfair, and unhuman and sadly, it did more harm than good. However when looking at imperialism through the eyes of King Leopold, one may find his methods harsh yet conducive to the livelihood of a

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