Thomas Edison State College
This essay’s focus is the implantation and support activities that follow planning, analysis and design phases. Often times, it is these implementation and support activities that determine whether or not a system will success; the main questions we will attempt to answer in this paper is what makes these activities so important and why? We begin with a brief delineation of two types of activities. System implementation and system and user support are important phases of systems development life cycle. It is at this phase that the system is brought to existence to do what it was planned to do for the organization after it has been through the planning, analysis and design phases (WWETC, n.d.). Before we discuss implementation and support activities and further explain in detail why they are so important, we need to delineate the two types of activities. Implementation refers to activities that occur before the system is turned over to its users; whereas activities that occur after the system becomes operational are collectively called support (Satzinger, Jackson, & Burd, 2009).
Implementation is difficult to manage because activities must be properly sequenced and progress must be continually monitored. Implementation is also risky because it requires significant time and resources and because it often affects systems vital to the daily operation of an organization. Implementation activities consist of software components construction through programming, software verifying and testing, data conversion, training and documenting, and installing the system (Satzinger, Jackson, & Burd, 2009).
The first important step in system development is programming. Its importance arises from several factors, including the following (Satzinger, Jackson, & Burd, 2009): 1) Required resources: Project management has to find programmers who have
References: John W. Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D. Burd (2009), 5th Edition. Systems And Design In a changing World. WWETC (n.d.), IS Management Issues, Retrieved Oct. 6, 2013, from Dr. Paul Dorsey (n.d.) Top 10 Reasons Why Systems Projects Fail, Retrieved Oct. 6, 2013, from