ISO is an acronym that carries the meaning of the International Organization for Standardization. This organization sets several quality standards ranging from manufacturing to management; these rules and procedures are designed to regulate quality. In this paper we focus only on ISO 9001, which is focusing on quality management. This standard is designed to help organizations ensure they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders. Malaysia Standard is accredited by “Jabatan Akridasi Negara” (National Accreditation Department) based on international standard published by ISO, the certification authorities are delegated to the agency of various governments and private companies. This standard deals with the fundamental principles of systems of quality management, including eight quality management principles. Now let shift our focus onto the organization that we will study in this paper, The Malaysian Arm Forces (ATM). In the last decade Malaysian Arm Forces have started to obtained ISO certification for some of her units. The certification has ranges from small units up to headquarters level; even though many units had been certified there are lots of other units that are not certified. This created two set of standard within the entire organization; furthermore there are lots of frustration been voice out among ATM staff on ISO implementation. These frustrations can be found in all level of the organization, however it is never been taken seriously; and no research or study had been conducted to verify the complaint. To understand their frustration we must first understand ATM management concept before the introduction of ISO 9001. ATM had always been guided through Law and Regulations. ATM is under influence of Arm Forces ACT 1972, Perintah Majlis Angkatan Tentera (Military Council Directive), Service Chief Directive and Military Publications which created a set of management rules