Implementation Objectives Cardinal Glennon strives to provide exeptional care to each patient that enters the facility. Short term and long term objectives must be established to ensure success. The short term objectives are those that can be achieved in a time frame of one year or less. Short-term objectives lead to achieving long term objectives. The objectives should reflect profitability, productivity, competitive postion, employee development, employee relations, technological leadership, and public responsibility. Strategic managers should discuss objectives in order to outline measurable outsomes of plans and activities that is used for feedback, evaluations, and corrections SSM Cardinal Glennon will establish short term and long term objectives that is aligned with the mission and vision. The objectives will be broken down with deadlines, and specific measures to be completed. Functional tactics Functional tactactics identify immediate and specific actions that must be taken in key functional areas to implement the business strategy. The functional tactics in each functional area is performed to implement the grand strategy. The functional tactics specify activites and how they will be achieved. Operational manager are responsible for esablising functional tactics, which ultimarely leads to business-level success. Functional tactics inclube business activities such as finance, operations, and
Implementation Objectives Cardinal Glennon strives to provide exeptional care to each patient that enters the facility. Short term and long term objectives must be established to ensure success. The short term objectives are those that can be achieved in a time frame of one year or less. Short-term objectives lead to achieving long term objectives. The objectives should reflect profitability, productivity, competitive postion, employee development, employee relations, technological leadership, and public responsibility. Strategic managers should discuss objectives in order to outline measurable outsomes of plans and activities that is used for feedback, evaluations, and corrections SSM Cardinal Glennon will establish short term and long term objectives that is aligned with the mission and vision. The objectives will be broken down with deadlines, and specific measures to be completed. Functional tactics Functional tactactics identify immediate and specific actions that must be taken in key functional areas to implement the business strategy. The functional tactics in each functional area is performed to implement the grand strategy. The functional tactics specify activites and how they will be achieved. Operational manager are responsible for esablising functional tactics, which ultimarely leads to business-level success. Functional tactics inclube business activities such as finance, operations, and