Indeed, many consider this matter as one of the biggest ethical concerns of the 21st century. We know that they have been trying it since the last century. But until now, it hasn't succeeded. For example, the technique which produced Dolly (the sheep) was successful in only 1 of 277 attempts. Well, that should be enough to conclude that, at least for now, it is too risky, and a single mistake could damage the whole humanity.
In addition to that, while it may have some potential benefits, such as decreasing the extincted animals or helping people who suffer from devastating deseases like Alzheimer or Parkinson, I believe this process could be misused, to benefit some certain groups. But that's not the only problem. As we all know, If cloning spare organs actually succedeed, researchers would try to clone entire humans, and this could bring many negative consequences: not only many important values would be forgotten, and genetic diversity could be lost, but most importantly: we wouldn't be unique anymore.
To sum up, and because of all the reasons mentioned above, I believe that cloning has many implications to our society. I think that, even though we should try to evolve in science and technology, nowadays cloning isn't a viable option as a lifesaving science, and therefore, it should be narrowly regulated in order to avoid any serious