Radio and Television as broadcast media have undoubtedly been of immense influence and have contributed tremendously to national development, specifically Nigeria. The success of these media is unconnected with its message content and large audience. This work aims at giving detailed insight as to how the broadcast media have contributed to national development in Nigeria as well as problems limiting its role.
The decades since the end of World War Two have witnessed an unrivalled drive for economic and social development by the majority of the world’s nations. Since the Civil war, development has been synonymous with economic, social, and political change in Nigeria. The Nigerian people, though diversified are united by their commitment for development. In order to understand the whole rationale behind the desire for development we should explain development even though there is no consensus about the meaning of development. Development therefore can be defined as the capacity of a state to increase its human resource with the aim of achieving higher outcome of production for the satisfaction of the basic needs of majority of its citizens and empowering them to make demands on the government. This view of development is purely a later adjustment of the initial view of the concept which was much economic oriented. Development can also be seen as the process of economic and social transformation that is based on complex cultural and environmental factors and their interactions. It refers to a change process geared at improving or making better, the life and environment of man. Dudley Sears (1985), posited that development involves the creation of opportunities for the realization of human potentialities. Also, according to the Oxford Dictionary, development means “a new stage in a changing situation.” To develop is to become more advanced. In the context of a nation, Eapen