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How Important Was Andrew Young To American History Service?
Andrew Young is an American politician, diplomat, rights activist and church minister. He was active in fighting for the rights and economic empowerment of the Black American people. Young’s influence went beyond the borders as he also advocated for liberation and economic development in African and Caribbean states
Early life and education
Church ministry
Rights activism and SCLC
Service in Congress
Ambassador to the United Nations
Early Life And Education
Andrew ¨Andy” Young was born on March 12, 1932, in New Orleans Louisiana. His father, Andrew Jackson Young, was a dentist and his mother, Daisy Fuller Young, was a teacher. From a young age he noticed that Whites and Blacks were not treated the same. Blacks were not allowed to go to the same schools, restaurants or use the same public washrooms as the whites. His father hired a boxer to train him and his brother Walter, so that they could defend themselves; however Young did not subscribe to this idea as he believed that disputes should be settled peacefully. He believed that the most powerful weapon you have is your mind (Young 1996 p24)
He went to school in Gilbert Academy in New Orleans where he graduated at the age of fifteen. He went to Dillard University, New Orleans for a year before he transferred to Howard University, Washington D.C., in 1947. From Howard, he graduated with a bachelor of science in pre-dentistry at the age of nineteen.
Church Ministry
After his graduation, he took up voluntary work in the Christian Youth Movement. It´s while he was in this service that he discovered his calling was in ministry. He enrolled in Hartford Theological Seminary, Connecticut in 1952. He learnt a great deal about religious leaders like Mohandas Gandhi.
In the summer of 1952, as part of his ministerial education, Young was assigned to preach to the community of Marion Alabama. This
Cited: Andrew DeRoche, Andrew Young: Civil Rights Ambassador. Wilmington: Scholarly resources, 2003. Electronic Andrew Young. AntiEssays. 13 March, 2012. Http:// essays/116785.html. Electronic Gardner, Carl. Andrew Young: A Biography New York: Drake, 1978. Print Oral History Interview by Dr. Mel Steely, May 1997 (Georgia´s Political Heritage Project, University Of West Georgia) Electronic Young, Andrew. An Easy Burden: The Civil Rights Movement And The Transformation Of America New York: Harper Collins, 1978. Print Young, Andrew Jackson Jr. Biographical Directory Of The U.S. Congress 1744 – Present. Http:// Electronic