Communication skills are important as different service users may communicate differently to you there are different reason that can stop people from communicating to you. Communication is skills are important as service users are vulnerable so to have effective communication you will be able to put them at ease and reassure them. It sometimes helps to be clear and calm as it helps the service users to understand their situation and feel everything is in control. It also helps to make a connection with the service users as they will be more trusting of you and are willing to open up to you in situations and they know you are making an effort to understand …show more content…
them. It important to be understanding of the service users as they are vulnerable and need to be able to see you are non judgemental. Also you are willingly to help them through their situation. It is important to get your point across to service user so they know what is happening in their situation and they feel like they are being cared for. Without effective communication it is difficult to make sure you are understood.
Context communication
One to one communication
One to one communication is communicating information to one another in a workplace environment. This is very important because if you need information you will need to make sure that you are able to communicate with other people well and you are friendly and warm. This is one to one communication. The first thing you will do is greet the service user you will make them feel warm and welcomed because they will need to be aware that they are being needed so they can focus on you instead. You would then maybe exchange information about personal things for example what you did in the weekend to make them feel more comfortable and more interactive in the conversation. This will also help make a connection and they will be able to give you more information. Then you will greet them as you will leave as this will make the service user feel more trusting of you as they believe that you enjoy talking to them. It is important to be able to use one to one communication as different people will have a similar structure to their conversation so they will be familiar with this structure without realising and by using one to one communication a service user feel in control and is sub consciously aware of how the conversation will go. It also makes sure that the conversation is structured as it gives direction. At placement I had a conversation with the granddad of child A. We had a conversation we greeted each other and then we had a conversation about A and how A was every energetic and loved to run around and how the granddad of A always would run after him. I had told granddad of A that I had a nephew who was the same as he was. One to one communication is important as it shows that I had tried to make effort with him and he knew i valued his comments and i had made a link this is a way to gain trust as well and they know I can be trusted with child A.
Group communication
Group communication is a group of people communicating together.
There are aspects that you need to think about. Is there a leader, have you prepared what you speaking are you good at taking turns, and can everyone see everyone. Group communication only works if everyone wants to participate as they will be more interactive in the conversation if they want to be there and will be less if they feel forced into something. It is as important as formal group of people some people will be quiet as they are worrying about people reaction. It is important to have the right emotional atmosphere people in groups use humour and friendly ways to encourage people to talk this is because people will feel more relaxed and will be more opened in the conversation. It is important in formal group communication to have a leader as they are able to control and lead the conversations also they can encourage people to talk. This is important as it make sure that the group doesn’t go into a tangent and the conversation is in structure. In formal communication you may write a few pointers as it helps to prepare the conversation. This is important because if it is a controlled conversation you will need to make sure that your points get across to the others in the group and make sure that they understand. It is important to take turns to talk as it shows respect for one another and organises everyone in the group. This will help people to process information that is given to them so they feel focused in the conversation on different points. It is important to notice the facial expressions and tone in voice and the pace it is important to see the faces of the people in the group as you can see the eye contact and the body language of the person this is important because people’s body language shows how they are feeling emotionally. Group conversations are effect as it allows everyone in the conversation to express their opinions and is effect as everyone has to listen to everyone’s
opinion and show respect also using group communication makes everyone feel important and listened to. During placement we were setting up the activities for the children and it was important that we talked in a group communication we had to talk about which activity was going where and how the toys should be represented for the kids. Group communication is important an effective communication as it allows everyone in the group to understand what their role is in the group and the different ways they can help the service users.
Informal communication
Informal communication is people we know well such as family and friends we may us different terminology when speaking for example you may how’s life? People in the group will appreciate the saying in different groups people use these sayings. Informal communication is important in the health and social work setting as service users will need to feel comfortable so they will make a personal connection such as “private jokes” these are jokes that someone or some people will understand as they were there were the joke was told making them feel more relaxed and are more opened to each other. This will give you a personal connection. The downside to this some people will feel left out in the conversation to make sure that people who are with you are included by telling them the joke. Informal communication is effect as it allows the service user to feel comfortable and relaxed in enough in the conversation and feel like they have a person to talk to and is effective as it allows the service user feel like they can be more open with the person they are talking to. During placement we were setting up the activities for the children and it was important that we talked in an informal way. This was important as we were comfortable with each other and knew and had connections as friends. We also talked about how the different activities we did when we were young we were making connections as a group as had to find common ground to be able to help each other. Informal communication is an effective way to communicate with colleagues as it helps to make connections further by making these connections it makes it easier to ask for help when needed and also it means you know that they are dependable and they know you are dependable. It is effective way to build friendships.
Formal communication
Formal communication is used when you are talking to people who you don’t know formal communication is used because it is understood by a range of people. Formal communication is a way of showing respect and making good first impressions on people you may not know. It is important to use formal communication in a work setting such as being a receptionist if you said “how can I help” this show respect and makes the service user know you are willing to help them however if you said “hello what are you want now” this may make service users feel like they are imposing on the receptionist and they may feel like they aren’t being respected. However some people feel more comfortable with informal greetings feel like they are being respected however formal communication is mainly used as it can be dangerous to use as service users can interpret it as not being treated with seriousness. The first time you meet a service user you should adjust how you speak to them in order to show respect. Formal communication is effective as it allows the service users to feel respect and feel like they are important. Effective formal communication is important as it allow you to build bonds with service users that may be going in to your care. At placement I had a conversation with the granddad of child A. We had a conversation we greeted each other and then we had a conversation about A and how A was every energetic and loved to run around and how the granddad of A always would run after him. I had told granddad of A that I had a nephew who was the same as he was. This was a formal communication as I had to use appropriate language and had to make sure that I wouldn’t say anything to offend him. Formal communication is an effective way to communicate as the service user knows that you are thinking before you speak and you care enough to interact and socialise with them.
Communication between Colleagues
To be able to help the service users you will need to be able to work with the colleagues they will need to be aware that you show respect for them as well as the service user needs to be aware that you will work well with you colleagues and help provide the best service you can. Collegue communication is effective as it allows you to be able to access any information you need to carry out your job it also means that if you need someone to do something you will know that they are dependable or not. Colleague’s communication is important as it also means you can learn from their experiences and be able not to make that mistake or learn to improve your skills it is important that your colleagues feel like they are valued in the work setting as it allows more appreciated and more trusting of you. This further makes communication between colleagues effective as the person is known that they are valued in the health care sector and will be more willing to do a good job as they will feel confident as you have confident in them. You need to demonstrate that you can listen in conversations and remember important parts of conversation that colleagues have spoken. It is important to show that you can do it as it shows you value the colleague’s opinions and it further helps as it may be important facts that you may need for the service users. It is important that you can respect the privacy and are able to make sure confidential information of the colleagues are kept that way. This helps to make bridges between the colleagues and make relationships they will be able to be more open with you and are more likely to help you when you need it as you have shown them respect and have help them through their problems. This makes communication between colleagues effective as you make connections with people and they are more willing to help you as they know you would do the same for them. it is important that communication between colleagues are effective as possible as colleagues are the ones you will have to work with and you will have to be comfortable with them and you will need to find it easy to communicate with other colleagues and you will need to be able to listen to them as well and value their opinions. At placement we had set out all the toys and activities we need for the session. After setting out the activities we had we had enough time to communicate with each other we had placed a kitchen set out for all the children to play with the toys we also thought about setting out the toys for the kids together them easily we had a conversation about the dolls and what kind of dolls we used to play with this was an informal communication but as a group we were communicating to each other. Communication with colleagues is effective as it allows everyone to communicate together as they are all colleagues and work in the same place together.
Types of interpersonal interaction
Different localities, ethnic groups, professions and work cultures have their own different words phrases and speech patterns. These groups are known as different speech communities sometimes people feel excluded as they don’t understand these words the technical term is jargon. This can create barrier in speech community because they don’t understand what word are respectful in the one society. This may convey that they are showing disrespect. Also when people are from different geographical areas they will have different dialects. As are grown with the dialect. Some social groups will use slang. They are non standard words that may not be in the dictionary. Groups use slang for different reasons for example when you are text messaging a friend it is easier to send 4 than for. In speech people use slang to feel social accepted as they know that they will be accepted as one of the groups as they meet the standards of others of the group. Speech is effective communication as it allows people from different background to feel respected and feel like they are showing them that they have background life and allow them to express themselves. Child Q has a quiet voice and when she is speaking her speech is clear and decisive. Further it is important to make sure that your words are spoken clearly and the service user can understand you and that your words are coherent to them.
Multi agency working is being able to talk to people from different organisations. This is important to service users as they may need different services. For example I am a social worker who is looking after a child who needs a GP to check his health. This important to be able to be as effective as a service user will depend on the different services that they will need. You will need to be able to organise it with different organisations you will need to make it clear what you need to make sure your service user is safe and happy. You will need to be able to organise it as fast as possible and be able to make sure the service users knows what will happen and making sure they feel comfortable with arrangements. This is an effective communication as it allows the service user to have full access of different organisation that they need.
Non verbal communication
Within in minutes you can tell how a person feels if they are happy or if they are sad etc. Non verbal communications is communicating without using words so we will send messages using our eyes the tone and facial expressions gestures with hands and arms etc. Non verbal communication is important as we can adapt the way we talk to help the service user to either feel better or to give emotional support it is important to be aware of the different ways the service user is expressing his emotions as they will need to assured indifferent ways. Child C was playing with the toys i wanted her to give me a toy so i had put out my hand and i had said give and put my hand. She didn’t understand the word give but she gave me the toy. So she associated with the fact that hand out means i want the toy. So by linking with actions allows the child C to understand that the service provider wants something or needs something from them.
Verbal communication
Verbal communication is communicating with words. You will use different jargons for different groups of people. it is important for services users to be understand what you are saying and they need to feel reassured that everything is been done for them. For example with a colleagues you may use complicated word that you and your colleagues understand however if a service user who had no understanding of the jargon that use with your colleagues will feel alienated and will feel distraught as they feel like the service giver doesn’t care in extreme cases will feel angry they may start shouting. Non verbal communication is effective as it allows you to be able to assess the service user and to be able to take the right steps to help the service user and making sure that they feeling safe as they are vulnerable. Child C was able to communicate her excitement with her voice even though she couldn’t speak she shrieked which suggested to me she was enjoying the activity. Even though she can’t speak words she was excited and was shrieking. This is an effective communication as it allows the service provider to know that child C was happy and I knew that she enjoyed the activity. It is an effective communication as i it allows the service provider to know what is the best activities and choices are for the service user.
Facial Expression
Your face indicates your emotional state if you feel happy you may smile and give eye contact, they are able to relax their muscles. There are different ways to express emotion. We can try and predict a person’s feelings. Facial expressions are important as they are able to express yourself with your looks. It is important to be able to read facial expressions in the health and social care sector as it helps you to be able to help the service user by making them more comfortable if they show any kind of stress. Facial expression is effective way to understanding what the service user feels. For example if I tell them some information about illness and the service user shows a confused face this may mean that they don’t understand then you will have to tell the service user in a different way so that they understand. At placement I was trying to teach her how to high five. I would say the word and put my hand out, as she was 16 months she didn’t understand that and she looked at me confusedly and continued playing with her toys. This is an effective way of communicating as it allows the service provider to know when the service user needs more help understanding what you are doing and why you are doing by making it clear and simple for them to understand
Gestures are hand and arm movement that can be used to express emotions and help us to get a better understanding of service users personal feelings. Gestures are very simple and are used in common situations. Gestures are effective communication as they are allowing the service user to express the emotions and they are made to feel free and have relief. It also helps the service user to understand what they are being told by the fractioned as they are being given visual aid to help them understand. At placement child C was playing in the jumpy chair she was excited jumping up down. She would clap her hands and play with the little toys around the chair. Using gestures is an effective way to know whether a service users is happy and when they want to be somewhere else.
Silence is having breaks in a conversation and not feeling embarrassed as you have nothing to say. It is important when being silence you show non verbal messages that shows respect and interest that has been given. Silence can be effective communication as the service user will feel comfortable as they know the person that they are talking it shows that they have a bond as they can trust each other. Also it is effective as it allows the service users to process the information that they are given and they are able to ask questions.
Effective communication is important as it allows different service users to feel in control and allows them to express their emotions in different way to other people it is important to be aware of different way to help the service user feel in control and content when they are at a vulnerable time. It helps the service user to use different communications skills are important as it helps service users to understand what they are told.