As we hurtle towards the 21st century, we must accept the inevitability of a computer revolution in the near future. It is an-inseparable part of development, as demonstrated by other countries. Computers are no longer luxury or the sole property of the advanced countries. Their appropriate uses in India can help us solve the unique problems of a developing country and bring about the desired changes in increasing literacy, optimizing resources, increasing efficiency, productivity and quality.
Already computers have become such an important part of our lives—in airports, banks, railway stations and every well-equipped modern office. As computer continues to proliferate in ever increasing numbers across large segments of Government, business and industry, the common man is beginning to believe hesitantly that computers can actually deliver a good part of the promise that they had offered. Society is gradually accepting the fact that computers will indeed change the manner in which the things are done,
Computers can substantially save valuable man-hours by helping people through communication to make reservation of tickets, operate their bank accounts, to pay for electricity water and telephone bills, insurance premium and also do routine shopping. Trains can be operated automatically by computers and traffic signals be computer co-ordinate to produce best traffic patterns, increase reliability and safety and generally provide for more efficient services.
The basic industry of India is 'agriculture'. In areas of agriculture and irrigation, computers are making possible better matching of soil characteristics and crop. This coupled with better use of resources like water, fertilizers and sunlight and more precise prediction of monsoons can help India in increasing crop yields manifold.
Computer in health is bringing new hope for the sick. In areas of health and medicine, expert systems and data bases on blood groups