Background of the Study “English is without a doubt the actual universal language” said Carlos Carrion Torres of Brazil. While English is not an official language in most countries, it is the language most often taught as a second language. English is most widely used in communicating around the world. The information that the researchers gathered about communication and English made them realized that the two terminologies must be always together. Good communication creates a good ambience and relationship between everyone in every organization most especially if it is inside a business while English is now required in every company; as according to Ms. Bambina Buenaventura, Language is now considered a skill, in fact, big companies, both here and abroad, are now looking for good English communication skills among potential employees, sadly, these companies are disappointed. Sad to say that even the students nowadays are not practicing effective communication; some really don’t want to practice it and some are practicing it in the most improper way in the form of the so-called “taglish”, a combination of Filipino and English words in one sentence. The researchers became interested with the English communication proficiency of the secondary students nowadays; those who can afford to enroll in college will be privileged to learn and be trained more with their communication skills, but what about those students who cannot afford to be upgraded in tertiary level? Of course they’ll apply for a job to make a living, but the problem is, even the few available jobs for high school graduates require good communication skills, and unfortunately, as the researchers have noticed, most high school students are not prepared for this kind of challenge. Some of the students are good in written communication but not that good when it comes to oral because some are shy to let others hear their English, or afraid to execute a wrong grammars or bad sentence
References:, 2008 ----------------------- [1] (Flores & Lopez: 1998,2003) [2] (Zamora: 2008) [3] (Rika, 1996) [4] Terrell Young, 1990 [5] Leonard, 1999 [6] CASE STUDY:ARCELORMITTAL [7], 2008 [10] Wachter,, 2008 [11] Wachter;, 2008 [14], 2008 [15]