Having too much freedom could cause people to eventually not want to follow any laws or rules set up for everyone’s safety. There’s a fine line between having too much freedom and not enough. If either side of the line is crossed then there’s bound to be a problem. This is why there has to be laws to follow in America so that everyone has something they have to abide to. We also have our twenty-seven amendments to make sure none of our personal freedoms are being violated. It is illegal for someone to violate anything that’s written on the constitution. This is a way of making sure every American citizen has his or her own personal
Having too much freedom could cause people to eventually not want to follow any laws or rules set up for everyone’s safety. There’s a fine line between having too much freedom and not enough. If either side of the line is crossed then there’s bound to be a problem. This is why there has to be laws to follow in America so that everyone has something they have to abide to. We also have our twenty-seven amendments to make sure none of our personal freedoms are being violated. It is illegal for someone to violate anything that’s written on the constitution. This is a way of making sure every American citizen has his or her own personal