
Importance Of Living In America

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Importance Of Living In America
Living in America really shows the true meaning of freedom. America is one of the only countries known to give its citizens freedom to do what they want. The Amendments of the Constitution play a major role in what keeps America and its citizens free; without them our society would get nowhere, the amendments act as a guide to keep the citizens safe and fairly treated. They set up all our laws and let every citizen know and understand their rights as a human being. All it takes is one mistake or for you to mess up once and you can get all your freedom and rights taken away from you. Getting in trouble with the law can change everything in the blink of an eye. Once you get put in jail or prison you are then known as property. The government now owns you until you have served your time; the jail or prison can do what ever they want with you without anyone having a say in it, you are no longer considered a citizen. The amount of time you have to serve will depend on how bad the crime you did was. If it was bad enough you may get put in prison for life. I would take living in America over any other country in the world. Some countries won't let you even voice your opinion on anything without consequences. In America freedom of speech is very important to its citizens; it feels …show more content…
Having too much freedom could cause people to eventually not want to follow any laws or rules set up for everyone’s safety. There’s a fine line between having too much freedom and not enough. If either side of the line is crossed then there’s bound to be a problem. This is why there has to be laws to follow in America so that everyone has something they have to abide to. We also have our twenty-seven amendments to make sure none of our personal freedoms are being violated. It is illegal for someone to violate anything that’s written on the constitution. This is a way of making sure every American citizen has his or her own personal

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