1.0 Introduction
Bigways Limited is a manufacturing and distributing company of a unique pesticide that no other company manufactures in the whole of East Africa and has been operating in Kenya for the last six years. The company’s smallest package size of their products is 5kg, and they open for business from Monday to Friday between 9am to 4pm with a one hour lunch break. Additionally, the employees of Bigways have been arrogant to customers. The aim of this paper is to indicate how Bigways can utilize Market orientation and Marketing concept to satisfy its customers.
2.0 Marketing concept
This is the belief that satisfying customers can help achieve organizational goals. It is a management philosophy that seeks to determine and satisfy customers’ needs using integrated marketing programmes to achieve organization goals. (Kotler, 1980)
Marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists in determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently; the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering and communicating customer value to its’ selected target customers
There are three important dimensions of the marketing concept that must be understood. These are:
a) Customer orientation.
b) Integrated company effort
c) Goal-directed behavior.
2.1 Customer orientation
This means giving customers what they want. An organization must decide who their target customers are and then conduct market research studies of their wants and needs. This will aid in creation of goods and services that are easy to use, easy to buy and easy to repair. This helps marketer to manage the market and meet these needs. Customers’ needs identification and satisfaction leads to customer retention which is important in market share holding.
This may lead to convenient locations, flexible
References: Kotler, Philip (2000): Marketing management: Analysis, planning Implementation and control. Eaglewood Cliffs, N.J prentice hall,Inc. 9th Edition