Importance of Personal Responsibility
Throughout a student’s college experience it is expected to be responsible and, to think responsibly even though, some students may not understand what personal responsibility means. In order to truly understand one must know the definition of responsibility. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2013), “the quality or state of being responsible as: a: moral, legal, mental accountability b: reliability, trustworthiness” (definition of responsibility). Personal responsibility thus means acting accountable for ones actions, being a reliable and, trustworthy person all the while, accepting and, handling burdens as necessary. While teamwork and communication with others is vital to personal responsibility, personal responsibility is highly important to academic success.
Personal responsibility is highly important to academic success. “Personal responsibility has long been considered an important component in self-directed learning”. (16) Being accountable for your actions, grades and, behavior while attending school is very important as well because, nobody else can do it but the student and, it is expected of every student at the University.
Honesty is a key ingredient in being responsible and, taking personal responsibility without this, a student cannot possibly be responsible. It is vital in everything he or she does; not just in academics. If a person, not just a student is found to lie to others constantly; they will be viewed as not trustable because, someone cannot be trusted if they lie to others constantly. Mainly people will not trust someone who lies frequently because; lying is just a stepping stone to bigger issues such as stealing and often in school settings plagiarism.
Integrity is another component of personal responsibility because, it requires the person having
Bibliography: Kohns, Jonathan W; Ponton, Michael K. New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development20.4 (Fall 2006): 16-27. This article was written about the Triangle model of responsibility and, self-directed learning. It discussed theoretically understanding personal responsibility and implementation of personal responsibility. This source was used to more thoroughly validate my beliefs and ideas. It is a reliable source because; it was found in a journal article on ProQuest website under peer reviews. Merriam-webster. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/responsibility This source is an online dictionary and, thesaurus used to find definitions to words and, how to use them and is also an encyclopedia. This source was used in defining the word responsibility. It is a reliable source because; it is an informative site that is updated regularly; last copyright was in 2013. Miller, A., Shoptaugh, C., & Wooldridge, J. (2011). Reasons Not to Cheat, Academic-Integrity Responsibility, and Frequency of Cheating. Journal Of Experimental Education, 79(2), 169-184. doi:10.1080/00220970903567830 This article was written from an investigation about students and, cheating whether reported or, not and, the amount of students that take responsibility for academic integrity; using over a 1,000 students to do so. It went over what kind of student is more likely to cheat and, why. This journal article was found on Ebscohost search engine and, was written by Arden Miller, Carol Shoptaugh, and Jessica Wooldridge of Missouri State University.