A. Relationship between Organization, Administration and Management
1. Organization
It refers to the form of the enterprise or institution and the arrangement of the human and material resources functioning in a manner to achieve the objectives of the enterprise. It represents two or more than two people respectively specializing in functions of each perform, working together towards a common goal as governed by formal rules of behavior.
2. Administration
It is concerned with the determination of corporate policy and the overall coordination of production, distribution and finance.
3. Management
It refers to the execution of policy within the limits which are established by administration and the employment of the organization as required.
Sheldon states, “Organization is the formation of an effective machine; management, of an effective executive; administration, of an effective direction. Administration defines the goal; management strives towards it. Organization is the machine of management in its achievement of the ends determined by Administration.
B. Scope and Importance of School Organization
The scope of school organization is very vast. It includes; efficiency of the institution, securing benefits of the school through practical measures, clarification of the functions of the school, coordination of the educational programmes, sound educational planning, good direction, efficient and systematic execution. It provides close collaboration and sense of sharing responsibilities, organized purpose and dynamic approach.
Any organization plays a vital role in the life of human being. It plays different functions like; brings efficiency, guide pupil to receive right direction from the right teachers, enables the pupil to get profit from their learning, bring coordination of the student-teacher-parents-society. It provides well defined policies and programmes, favorable teaching