Importance of Successful Business Communication
Successful Communication Web Search Assignment In order to understand the importance of literate business communication, we were assigned to locate three Internet web sites that feature recommendations on how to achieve successful written communication in a business environment. According to these web sites, the ability to write clearly and correctly in business documents is necessary for advancement. One of the articles says, that people judge their colleagues based on their writing ability. The first site selected, "Improve Your Writing Skills" focus on the importance of good writing skills as the result of the increase of business conducted through email, instant message, presentations and other written forms. Although this article is oriented to tech professionals, it mentions some important findings about how companies consider the writing ability when promoting employees. Finally, the article offers some tips for better business writing. The second site selected, " The secret of a Successful Business", visualize writing as a vital skill in business. The article presents the art of writing as a way to build the customer 's confidence. According to this article, "79% of surveyed executives cited writing as one of the most neglected skills in the business world, yet one of the most important to productivity". The main focus of this article is that if you want to succeed, you have to be able to write well. The article also offers some tools to write well and encourage the reader to enroll in The Core Series, an online writing course. The third site selected, contained a presentation titled Writing Business Messages. This presentation gives the reader some recommendations on how to write more persuasively. It states the importance of knowing the reader to whom you are writing in order to match the reader 's expectations. There are there general expectations that almost every person have when reading a document. They expect that the message
References: Improve Your Writing Skills- Tech & IT Job Resources from Retrieved October 7, 2006 from : )
Laflen, A., Williams, S. & Kellough, V. (2002). Writing Business Messages. Retrieved October 9, 2006, from Purdue University Writing Lab. Web site:
The Secret of a Successful Business. Retrieved October 9, 2006,