For many individual students preparing to graduate from high school, wondering whether or not they should pursue a higher education at a university or other learning institute is an issue that weighs heavily on their minds. It is a very difficult decision that depends on many different factors, such as the individual’s personal goals. Some students choose to go straight from high school directly into the workforce after graduating. Other students choose to go into the military after graduating from high school. While these are all different options, recent research indicates that higher education is extremely valuable.
Recent research indicates that higher education is extremely valuable. For, individuals whom attended a university and obtained at least a four-year bachelor’s degree make more money on average than people who have never obtained a university degree according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. In a study conducted by the United States Bureau of Labor conducted in 2009, it was concluded that someone with a four-year bachelor’s degree makes on average $20,748 more per year than someone without the degree. In a report done by the United States Census Bureau published in the “Current Population Report” by ?Jennifer Cheeseman Day and? Eric C. Newburger, it is estimated that high school graduates earn on average $1.2 million throughout the course of a lifetime. It is also estimated in the report that individuals with a bachelor's degree will earn on average $2.1 million total throughout their lifetime. As you can see, the facts show that getting a higher education is worth more value financially than stopping an education after graduating from high school.
In addition to the high financial value of higher education, higher education also makes individuals much more intelligent than what they would be with just a high school education. The more intelligent an individual is, the better quality of life