The importance of the military rank structure has been drilled into people heads for over hundreds of years. In my own words
The importance of the military rank structure has been drilled into people heads for over hundreds of years. In my own words
One of the most controversial things associated with the military is the amount of pay soldiers get. Many think that for the sacrifices they make they are not earning what they should. Ultimately, a person will have to determine for themselves if the amount given is fair. In a perfect world military persons should receive the salaries of actors or ball players, especially since it’s the military man or woman that is actually doing something productive for society. But since this won’t happen, people will just have to live with the pay standards that the government has set up for its servicemen. But cultivating a career in the military is still one of the most stable and rewarding choices one can make.…
SUBJECT: Procedures for the FY13 Qualitative Management Program (QMP) For Senior NCO’s 1. Purpose: To provide guidance and procedures in support of the Qualitative Management Program (QMP) for the ranks of SFC to CSM. 2. Facts: a. The Army through Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) SAMR-PO are reinstating and doing a revision of QMP, dated 23 July 2009. Soldiers that fall in certain criteria’s will be boarded and subject to denial of continued service in FY 2013. This does not apply to soldiers who are in the rank of SSG and below, or have an approved retirement, are in a promotable status, and are a MSG previously selected to attend Sergeants Major Course for the purpose of SGM promotion. b. Soldiers in this criteria…
But when we talk about a Sgt. of Marines, things are more different. As a Sgt. of Marines not only you are in charge of the mission. You are responsible for the life and safety of all your Marines. You are the one that will be making difficult decision that may put your Marines in danger and may cost their lives or yours to save them. World War II in the Pacific has often been described as a "Sergeant's war." Small unit leaders carried an immense amount of responsibility for the overall battle. On most Pacific islands, there was little space for wide, sweeping maneuvers, or operational-level tactics. Typically, infantry Marines would team-up with tanks, engineers, and other attachments to hammer against the enemy's lines. Example of such dedication to the mission and to save life’s of their fellow Marines on the worst situation and sometimes even costing their lives. NCO's such as Sgt. Smith were in the forefront of combat, leading their Marines and setting the example under the toughest battlefield conditions. Able needed heavy fire support. Sgt Smith determined to find it. He moved out on foot and located three Sherman tanks. Leading them forward, he pointed out Japanese defenses for the tanks to engage. Under his fire direction, the Sherman’s destroyed numerous enemy positions at point blank range. Sgt. Smith continued to lead by example. Seeing wounded Marines trapped in front of the enemy's positions, he made several trips across exposed terrain to rescue four wounded comrades. He also organized litter teams to rescue other trapped Marines. All the while, he continued to direct the tanks in knocking out Japanese automatic weapons that were pouring fire into Able's positions. Is amazing how NCO take ownership of their mission and the…
Officers, he stated, have access to educational and leadership opportunities. Additionally, he mentions how the military seems to distance themselves intentionally from society with uniform and rank. He reinforced my idea that officers are separate from society and have higher expectations not only in the military to be their best, but whenever they are among civilians as…
“Every platoon also has a headquarters element composed of a medic, a forward observer, a radio operator, a platoon sergeant, and a lieutenant who had graduated from officer candidate school.”(Junger P. 20,21) This actual platoon ended up having three different lieutenants. The final one being Steve Gillespie. Although it was necessary to have the lieutenant’s knowledge while in combat, they didn’t have much experience. So to balance this out a sergeant was designated as well. Many of the sergeants have been in the Army for several years, so that’s where the experience came from.…
As it is well known in any of the military branches, the chain of command is of high importance. The chain of command is built of out a single soldier. Those single soldiers are made into a squad. Two to four of those squads put together a platoon. From there, three to five platoons makes for a company. In a closer look, a soldier of an E-4 status or below is patrolled by squad leader which is in fact an NCO. An NCO stands for a non-commission officer which their job is to govern the soldiers. The squad leaders then report platoon sergeants which then will go and report to the senior NCO which is also known as the first sergeant. The first sergeant will oversee the company and guide it. This is known as the chain of command that soldiers must follow. Information is shared from highest rank to lowest rank and also from lowest rank to highest rank when needed.…
The Marines’ motto is ‘Semper Fidelis’ meaning ‘always loyal’ or ‘always faithful’. Their logo the eagle, the globe, and the anchor represents what they fight for. While each other branch has their own section to fight the enemy the Marines go all over. The air(the eagle), the water(the anchor), and the land. The Marines is a Department of the Navy. An inside joke amongst the soldiers is that The Marines are the Men’s Department of the Navy. Some careers along the Marines branch are Army Judge, Band Officer, Financial Manager, and Air Defense Artillery…
There are nine enrolled pay reviews in the military, from E-1 to E-9. The rank or rating fluctuates by branch of administration, however the compensation review level is the same. So a private top of the line in the Army is the Marine Corps likeness a spear corporal, both E-3.…
There are many reasons why a soldier, (doesn't matter the rank) should obey orders from anyone above him or her in the chain of command. Sometimes its good to listen to people soldiers below you too because they maybe smarter at the task then you are. One reason is that the military is revolved around higher ranking soldiers leading the lower ranking soldiers, they’re more experienced in the military then I am and been deployed more than i have. If everyone in the military just did their own thing then we wouldn't be a successful army and then our country wouldn't be as strong as it is. Every higher up gives an order for a reason, we may not like the reason but in the end most of the orders and decisions will be smart ones i guarantee. We were taught as children to obey our higher-ups. Starting from our parents, teachers, managers, police officers and etc… So how does this relate to the military? Well, when a person enlists in the United States Military, active duty or reserve, they take the following oath, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” Right there you are making a promise to the United States Military. Before you or I even put on the uniform, you promise you’ll obey the orders of the President and the orders of the officers appointed over you. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Brand new privates are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right from day one of boot camp. Almost every soldier can tell you that obedience was drilled into their…
6) “An officer of low rank in the armed forces” (Lieutenant). (Scholastic Children 's Dictionary, pg. 301)…
Marine Corps grooming standards are in place to conform Marines to a singular uniform look. They keep us from being too eccentric and while in Garrison they help us to keep a professional look about us at all times. They keep us from just “looking like everyone else,” and help us to stay a cut above the rest. The hair cut regulations are stated as an even fade from 0 to no more than 3” on the top of the head as long as the hair doesn’t interfere with any uniform article. There can be no eccentric designs or anything shaved into one’s head. For females the hair must be wrapped in a tight bun in the center of the back of the head not to exceed 3 inches from the scalp and be no wider than the width of one’s head. Females can wear bangs but they can’t fall into the line of sight and can’t affect the wearing of any headgear. For both male and female bleaches tints dyes are authorized as long as they give a natural appearance. No Marine will be required to shave his chest hair but it cannot protrude from the skivvy shirt collar or while in khakis. Marines must have a clean shave with the exception of a mustache which may not extend past the corners of the lips and must remain within the margin of the upper lip. Mustache hair when fully extended my not extend past half of an inch. Marines are allowed to have sideburns but they may not extend past the top of the upper orifice of the ear and may be no longer than one eighth of an inch. Hair may not be shaped in a “horse-shoe” on the head and no Mohawks are authorized. No Marine shall be required to shave their head with the exception of at basic training. Finger nails must be kept clean and may not interfere with regular duties; they may not extend past the finger tips either. Marines may not excessively pluck or remove eyebrows unless for a medical reason as prescribed by a doctor. All Marines are held to this even members of the Marine Corps reserve although reservists are authorized to wear wigs…
His actual rank is Command Sergeant Major but for the sake of his cadets he lowered himself a rank. A friend of mine who I met in soccer suggested that I enroll in JROTC so I could join their color guard team. I went to one of their practices a week before they went to their national competition; this is where I met him. Unlike colonel he had been there for over twenty years for he was one of the founders of the JROTC program at Memorial High School. He was a witty and older than Colonel. He kept his business between cadets and wasn’t involved in anything but JROTC and his color guard team. He welcomed me to join the following year, which I…
The rank structure goes back to the 1700’s. The rank structure was put into place so that the soldiers had someone that was there to give out orders; also the rank structure was there to teach the newer enlisted respect. If the rank structure was not in place, there would be no order or discipline in the army. The United States ARMY is the World’s strongest army. And it is all because we have order and discipline threw out all of the ranks. When we know that the person out ranks us we need to show the proper respect that they have earned through being in the military and doing their job. As a soldier that has had a lot of mistakes with respecting the rank structure, I know how hard it may be. But all in all you want to respect the persons rank. It does not do anything to the person that you are disrespecting. The one thing that it does do is make them mad. And in all honesty they have a reason to get mad. They have earned their way. They were a private once. It is not like they joined the army as a sergeant. They had to fight their way through the ranks just as most of us have and probably will continue to do. I have always lived by the saying; respect is earned, not given. Well I realized something. The noncommissioned officer has earned the respect that must be shown. If you do not see that they deserve respect. Guess what, the army feels and knows that they do deserve the respect of all their subordinates. So let us all do our selves a favor. Just bite your tongue and drive on. All you have to say is check, roger, or hooah. This…
How you lead your life is the decision before you (Marine). After becoming an officer the leadership skills and adaptive ability I have been constantly taught will show through everything I set my mind too. A marine is expected to take charge, to improvise, to adapt, to overcome (Col. Daniel F. Bolger). Something that I will soon implement. Becoming an Officer also means high pay than enlisted ranks. While the initial pay for an E-1 Enlisted is $1.566.93, the initial pay for an O-1 Officer is $2,972.45, over a staggering 90% increase in…
The Non-Commissioned Officers are the backbone of the United States Marine Corps. This is an punctual statement thats helps show the functioning of the Marine Corps today. NCOs keep order and discipline within the ranks, they are the example for all junior Marines. There is a matter of respect earned when promoted to a rank as such. This is what makes the orders given by an NCO a vital aspect of obedience. As well as regarding your leadership with respect is a fundamental attribute instilled within every Marine in recruit training. Respect in the chain of command provides horizontal cohesion within the section.…