
Importance of the Use of Legislation in the Nazi Consolidation of Power by the End of 1933

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Importance of the Use of Legislation in the Nazi Consolidation of Power by the End of 1933
Use Sources A, B and C and your own knowledge.
How important was the use of legislation in the Nazi consolidation of power by the end of 1933?
During 1933, many things were put into practise to help the Nazi consolidation of power. Hitler was appointed Chancellor in a very legal fashion as Hindenburg enabled him to have the status in a strictly legal way in accordance to the constitution of the Weimar Republic. However, in order for Hitler to gain the dictatorship he so desperately wanted, many other acts of legislation came to light within 1933 that seemed legal but in a more twisted way by Hitler. Legislation, among other things, helped bring Hitler to power and to gain the dictatorship power he received.
Within Source B, there is talk about the events that unfolded at the Kroll Opera House when the new Reichstag assembled on March 24th, 1933. This is the first important part of legislation within the year. The Enabling Act, once passed, gave Hitler the power to rule by decree without the approval of the Reichstag for a time of four years. This law required a two thirds majority in order to be passed and Hitler did not have this. Therefore, he put actions into place to make sure he did not necessarily need it. Centre and DNVP were bought off by threats and promises meaning the added to the attempted two thirds and the Communist Party was banned from taking its seat. Thus, Hitler had only the SPD duties who voted against the bill; this enabled Hitler to have his Act passed. This gave Hitler the ability to have his wishes instantly put into laws without having any opposition attempt to stop him. Within Source B, SPD deputy Wilhelm Hoegner, got across his point about the Nazis on the day the Act was passed. The Source gives off the impression that much intimidation was going on towards the SPD deputies as he states: ‘When we Social Democrats had taken our seats, SA and SS men lined up at the exits and along the walls behind us in a semi-circle’. This gives the

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