There has been a prediction that by 2025 that there will be an extra 4 million trips made every day by a form of transport. * 15% of final household expenditure was on transport in 2005 * Greater proportion than other EU countries
These figures strongly highlight the importance that transport has on everyday life. * Transport for London’s current ticketing and fare collection system processes transactions from over 10m journeys per day and over £3bn of revenue per annum.
* Blue line on graph= demand for new vehicles steadily increasing and black line shows that although the demand for old vehicles has decreased, the price index suggests that demand for the old vehicles is high
* Schemes such as the ‘Barclays Cycle Hire’ are a form of investment, which have doubled membership
* As a result this is predicted to generate an additional £6 million revenue for transport for London * However, despite the additional revenue, this loss making scheme is predicted to cost taxpayers £225 million by 2015/2016
* In the transport sector there are employment opportunities such as
-air, land and water transport, postal and courier activities and warehousing and support activities. * Overall around 1.45 million people, which is equivalent to 5% of the total employment in the UK are employed in this