Urban sprawl generally means to the way that cities are continuously expanding outward into rural areas, and wilderness areas. This is often used in reference to suburbs which have low population density compared to big cities that it has higher buildings and fewer houses. This problem is becoming …show more content…
During 1993 there were 299,753 Canberra’s, in 2003 there have been a highly increase to 381,743. In Gungahlin has one of the most population growths in ACT form 3755 residents to 53,477 in 2012. When more homes are build the space would expand and it can affect the animals, such as the animals get hit by a car but people are using signs to let we know that we have to slow down, and more trees are planted to keep the birds to live and more parks that have been build, most important is there is only some part that you can’t build houses and people are try to make the expanding to stop and this can help save for electricity and water, if taller building are build it can save space and it would be much cheaper for people to buy. And it much easier for people to travel around, because they would be less cars and more public transport this can help the