Throw away the old gloves and place new gloves on after taking the old dressing off so that you do not contaminate the new dressing. The doctor has ordered to cleanse the wound and flush with normal saline, so these syringes of normal saline will be used for this. After cleaning the wound, dry well. You should be sure that the whole foot is dried properly after each dressing change so new skin break-down does not develop. Once completely dry, apply a non-stick dressing and then wrap with the roll of gauze. Be sure to not wrap the gauze too tightly. If your toes turn pale in color or if they start to tingle or feel cold, loosen the dressing right away. Look for a nice pink color to your toes and the dressing should never feel tight. Dispose of the gloves and wash your hands after the dressing change is completed. Well
Throw away the old gloves and place new gloves on after taking the old dressing off so that you do not contaminate the new dressing. The doctor has ordered to cleanse the wound and flush with normal saline, so these syringes of normal saline will be used for this. After cleaning the wound, dry well. You should be sure that the whole foot is dried properly after each dressing change so new skin break-down does not develop. Once completely dry, apply a non-stick dressing and then wrap with the roll of gauze. Be sure to not wrap the gauze too tightly. If your toes turn pale in color or if they start to tingle or feel cold, loosen the dressing right away. Look for a nice pink color to your toes and the dressing should never feel tight. Dispose of the gloves and wash your hands after the dressing change is completed. Well