1.The right flower in right place.2.The first impression is the last impression.3.Flower arrangements makes a great difference in the décor.4.Efficiency and productivity increases5.Gives a touch of nature6.Reflects the soul and image of the establishment
Principles of flower arrangement
1.The art of flower arrangement does not have any set rules which need to be followed. Neither there are any formulaslike in mathematics.2.But the florists worldwide follow certain principles which are laid down by the florists in the past. Following are theprinciples:-
Indoor plants introduction
While indoor plants don't deliver the same visual impact as some stunningly assembled flower arrangements, many produce spectacular blooms and interesting variegated foliage that more than make upfor the lack of intensity provided by a bouquet of flowers. Add to that the fact that, with proper care, manyflowering houseplants live indefinitely, and you can have the best of both world
Indoor Plants
Like their outdoor counterparts, indoor plants grow in soil that ideally supplies them with all theyneed to live long healthy lives. While some flowering houseplants, such as orchids and gardenias,require more specialized care, most do well if provided with the right amount of light, warmth, water and nutrients. Examples of low-maintenance indoor plants that will reward you for years withcolorful flowers include African violets, geraniums, cyclamen, Christmas cactus, amaryllis, andoxalis. Some outdoor plants, such as hydrangeas, can be adapted as indoor plants, and will bloomfor up to six weeks. Plants that don't flower but produce colorful foliage also add long-term interestto the indoor landscape. Coleus plant leaves, for example, exhibit a vast palette of colors from softvariegated greens to deep purples with gold edges.
Indoor Plant Advantages
With proper care, indoor plants can live for years and often require replanting into