“Impression Management as a goal directed activity not only sets the boundaries of what is considered appropriate behaviour but also aids in defining what behaviour will be met with disapproval.”(Goffman 1989)
Discuss this statement in the context of a practical professional setting.
According to Andersen, M. L., & Taylor, H. L. (2006)impression management is defined as “good oriented conscious or unconsciousprocess in which people attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object or event, they do so by regulating and controlling information in social interaction.” According to Sinha (2009), "Impression management is an active self-presentation of a person aiming to enhance his image in the eyes of others" (p.104). A symbolic interaction noting that impression management is “the process of authentic self-presentation used when an individual wants to present himself to other people the same way he perceives himself…a tactical brand used by individuals.” A variation of this view by Brym and Lie, (2006, p.144) depicts impression management as a situation whereby “people deliberately change or modify their behaviour to fit a given situation…the process whereby people seek to control the image that others have of them.”
The above scholarly views seek to consolidate Goffman’s (1989) view that “Impression Management as a goal directed activity not only sets the boundaries of what is considered appropriate behaviour but also aids in defining what behaviour will be met with disapproval.” In assessing the concept of impression management it is pivotal to isolate the impetus behindthisconcept. All the above definitions provide a direct inference that this concept involves creating an impressionable illusion which is highly fragile and requires constant attention in order to ensure its sustainability. Keeping in mind that it is a goal oriented model, impression management is a fundamental and universal