Synopsis for the degree of M.S./M.Phil. Ph.D.
PART-1 (to be completed by the student)
Members of Supervisory Committee
Title of Research Proposal
Improvement in offshore change management model under the umbrella of Agile
Summary of the Research Proposal
Requirements get changed during the course of software development process. It looks very difficult to stop the software requirements, from changing. Different software development approaches tackle changing requirement in different ways. Unlike Waterfall or document driven approaches of software development, agile methodologies welcome change during the course of software development but at the same time manage the changes in a systematic manner [1, 10]. This thesis will focus on the requirement change management and the various aspects of change management in agile. Moreover this thesis will also discuss the offshore development model with respect to Agile requirement change management. An important condition for Agile approach is to have continuous collaboration and relationship with the customer [2] so that requirements could be elicited as well as verified regularly. But in offshore environment, this approach can not be applied due to presence of the client on geographically distant location. Therefore this thesis will also highlight some of the elicitation techniques, tools and methodologies that can be applied in offshore development model while working with Agile. The problem stated in the “statement of problem” will be further refined and elaborated by extensive literature review and the proposed solution will be further evaluated with more validation.
Requirement change management is one of the important project management issues in software development. Requirements do change during development process. Managing
References: [2] Kent Beck, Mike Beedle, Arie van Bennekum, Alistair Cockburn, Ward Cunningham, Martin Fowler. (2001). Manifesto for Agile Software Development. (02 March 2010)