On-Line Masters of Business Administration
Assignment for course: BUS 576 Training and Development
Submitted to: April Flanagan
Submitted by: Chieoma Shabazz
Location of Course: On-Line
Date of Course Meeting: December 11, 2006
Date of Submission: December 11, 2006
Title of Assignment: Improving Customer Service
Certification of Authorship: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared specifically by me for this course.
Student signature: Chieoma F. Shabazz
Providing excellent customer service is no easy task. This aspect of business is a major force that can make or break profits. However, customer service is rarely mentioned in an organization's mission statement nor is it the top of the discussion list for staff meetings or training sessions. Providing the type of customer service that is expected by customers take a lot of thought and flexibility on the part of management as well as staff members. Oftentimes, it is the little things that are overlooked when dealing with customers that can make all the difference between a satisfied consumer and one lost to the competition. Acts such as leaving a calling customer on hold for extended amounts of time and not making them feel as if they are welcome in your business are things that should be avoided.
Improving Customer Service Good customer service cannot be bought by an organization nor will it be found in the mission statement. Customer service is a trait that must be imbedded into the culture of an organization and the installation of this critical element is carried out by management. An organization which excels in customer service, is
References: Cardis, P. (2006). Leading the way to better customer service. Professional Builder, 71(9), 37-8. Clark, D. (2004). Customer service: back to basics is better. Public Management, 86(11), 6-9. Freedman, D. (2005). Service with a smile. Really. Inc., 27(10), 75-6. Wagner, D. (2006). Satisfaction begins at home. Sloan Management Review, 47(3), 5.