ESL 201
Summery Writing
February 2nd 2015
Improving our writing by RLW
Mike Bunn observes diverse of methods and tactics for reading in his essay “How to Read Like a Writer”. This helps the readers become a better writer by just reading over what we read with the mindset of a writer, rather than reading to gain a common understanding of context or with the goal of completing a piece for the fulfillment of a grade.
There are diverse of reasons in which the techniques of reading like a writer improves our writing; in general, people read content just for context. Bunn insist in importance of understanding the used flow, choices, and tactics by the authors by stating, “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed” (74). He depicts the contrast of RLW and normal reading by claiming the fact that RLW has much deeper procedure, which even helps us to have better understanding of context; moreover, he contradicts himself. At same time that he argues that for most students RLW is a brand new and tough way to apply to their reading, he also implies that “All of your previous writing experiences inside the classroom and out- can contribute to your success with RLW” (75), due to fact that students have primary knowledge of writing and knowledge about the way which author is writing; furthermore, Bunn contact a few of his previous student to describe some essential elements of RLW, he encourages them to find the author’s intentions and intended audiences for the piece of writing before start reading. He believes that readers must identify the genre of writing piece before reading, by genre he means the type of a text; also Bunn claims that having set of ready critical questions while reading can be a great help for students to improve their skills,” Eventually, after plenty of practice you will start to ask certain questions and locate certain things in the text automatically” (79). However