Maria Florentine Palar LBPP-LIA PAKUAN BOGOR
Many students, especially young learners find reading activities tiresome, even frustrating at times. This condition have led the children to a halt in their language development. The preliminary study conducted in three Big EC classes through class observations and interviews with three EC teachers in LBPP-LIA PAKUAN BOGOR showed that teaching reading is not an easy task. The paper will discuss the investigation on how the Cooperative Learning method improves young learners’ reading ability. In the research, Cooperative Learning which creates an atmosphere in which each student will make an effort to reach success (Slavin, 2001:16) was implemented so that the children can work together to achieve their goal. The Content Map is used as an organizer to memorize the information from the reading (Novak, 1991). Classroom Observation Notes, the Reading Task Scoring Sheet , and a Questionnaire were used in the Grade Six EC class to determine the significance of the improvement. The results showed that Cooperative Learning encouraged the children to work together to achieve the goal and in turn built the children’s confidence and understanding towards the reading so that their reading ability was improved.
BACKGROUND 1. Background of The Study
As the importance of being able to use other languages than one’s mother tongue is encouraged in the globalized world, Indonesia had seen considerable growth in the number of young learners learning the English language. This leaves teachers with the challenge of implementing myriads of techniques in the classrooms to guarantee a success in learning especially for young learners. There are several characteristics of young learners that are distinctive and unique when compared with that of other learners. Young learners are very enthusiastic about learning although they have short attention and