Impulse Buying: Its Relation to Personality Traits and Cues
Seounmi Youn, University of Minnesota
Ronald J. Faber, University of Minnesota
ABSTRACT - Much of the work on impulse buying has been concerned with defining and measuring the concept. Less effort has been directed toward determining the factors that underlie the tendency to buy impulsively. This study looks at the relationship between impulse buying tendencies and three general personality traitsClack of control, stress reaction, and absorption. Additionally, this study identifies several different types of internal states and environmental/ sensory stimuli that serve as cues for triggering impulse buying. Internal cues include respondents’ positive and negative feeling states. Environmental/sensory cues encompass atmospheric cues in retail settings, marketer-controlled cues, and marketing mix stimuli. Relationships between the three personality traits and specific impulse buying cues are also examined, along with differences among high and low impulse buyers in their sensitivity to various cues.
[ to cite ]:
Seounmi Youn and Ronald J. Faber (2000) ,"Impulse Buying: Its Relation to Personality Traits and Cues", in Advances in Consumer Research Volume 27, eds. Stephen J. Hoch and Robert J. Meyer, Advances in Consumer Research Volume 27 : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 179-185.
Advances in Consumer Research Volume 27, 2000 Pages 179-185
Seounmi Youn, University of Minnesota
Ronald J. Faber, University of Minnesota
Much of the work on impulse buying has been concerned with defining and measuring the concept. Less effort has been directed toward determining the factors that underlie the tendency to buy impulsively. This study looks at the relationship between impulse buying tendencies and three general personality traitsClack of
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