Humor, sometimes used as a coping mechanism, to avoid the truth, or simply make light of a difficult situation. The use of humour by some can result in emotions being suppressed, never being allowed to reach the surface. Within the book “In a World Created by a Drunk God” by Hayden Taylor, Jason Pierce; a half-native Canadian man meets his American half-brother Harry Deiter. Jason uses his sense of humour to cope with the emotions that Harry brings to the surface, the loss and appearance of his biological father; Lawrence Deiter, his recent single status accompanied by a possible link to his father, and with the appearance of Harry; a new half-brother. Humour creates a distraction, from tackling the problems that are …show more content…
He impregnated Harriet with Jason, Lawrence then fled and returned to his wife and their child Harry. Jason proposed a question to Harry when talking about his Harrys’ ex-wife Arlene and Bonnie, Jason’s ex-girlfriend. “Like father, not like son?”, (Taylor 53). Harry replied that he did not cheat on his wife, but then proposed the same question to Jason. Jason reluctantly admitted that he had cheated on Bonnie but it was not the same as Lawrence because he was not married to her. “That’s just different icing on the same cake”, (Taylor 55). Harry saying this brought up the realization that Lawrence is Jason’s father and he is his son. Immediately Jason uses humor to avoid the reality of Harry’s words. “… send their son to clean up their messes? Tell you what, if he wants my kidney so badly, let him come and get it himself … I’ll keep it warm till then. Think he’ll be interested?”, (Taylor 55). Though Harry compared Jason to Lawrence because both of them cheated on a woman they were with, cheating could have been blamed on a lack of a father figure. “Lessons learned from observing parents’ marital interactions might be informative to adolescents as they seek to build more intimate and reciprocal romantic relationships”, (Simon, Valerie A., and Wyndol Furman, Interparental Conflict And Adolescents' Romantic Relationship …show more content…
His humor is portrayed constantly through out the reading of “In a World Created By a Drunk God”. A father figure that is living another life, in another country, with a wife and another son. A father who Jason would have never heard of without the medical need for a kidney. Harry, a half-brother who appeared at Jason’s front door, completely out of the blue. Harry has had Lawrence present throughout his entire life, a proper father figure. Jason uses humor and sarcasm to deal with the new developments in his life. While talking to Harry, Jason was able to get some first hand knowledge about his biological father. He discovers that he has a connection with the father he never knew, cheating. Jason’s life has been turned upside down, a new half-brother, a father that is is need of a kidney, that has a common characteristic. Humor is used by some as a coping mechanism to avoid and make light of stressful