“Censorship intrudes upon freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Individuals have the right to learn about their world, both its positive and negative aspects, and express their ideas on it.”
People should have the right to learn about the world, including even if it's negative about it. Individuals should have freedom of speech, and their ideas about the world.
Censorship in some cases we need it, sometimes we don't it depends on the situation. The world was made for everybody to enjoy, and sometimes it has its ups and downs. There are some things the world is hiding from us and we can only find them out if we explore with no censorship.
Individuals should have freedom of speech because it's their opinion, and some opinion can change the world. Freedom of speech has opinions if we …show more content…
Some of the things that need to be censored are racism, and most websites.
If nobody had an opinion or hasn't learned about the world they wouldn't know what is about. They would be wandering like nomads, and scavenge around looking for food not knowing what food is like or even what they're looking for. Wandering around is not something I would do alone considering what’s out there.. Everybody needs to learn about the world, even older people in case something happens. The more we know how to survive and conquer (not conquer the world though, but conquer) knowing about our world.
“Censorship has been a major issue. Some people believe that media being censored is absolutely vital and claims that it is there to protect people, while others suggest that censorship denies access to vital information. Is censorship really necessary?”