Chief Executive Officer for Google Eric Schmidt stated in his interview with Thomas Friedman for the book The World is Flat, “Search is so highly personal that searching is empowering for humans like nothing else is” (Friedman, 183). This ability to seek out information on the World Wide Web has brought such search engines like Google and Yahoo up to the mainstream.
Search engines are special sites on the World Wide Web that are intended to help people find information that are stored on other sites. This enables them to work in many different ways, but they all must have three basic functions that they must perform. The first function is that the site will search the internet based on key words. The second function is that the site keeps an index of the words that it finds and where they found them. Last but not least the third function is that the site allows people to look for words or a combination of words in the index. If a site claims to be a search engine and does not have one of these functions in it than that site is not a true search engine. Search engines are one of the most popular websites on the World Wide Web today. Before the creation of the internet people where very limited to how they were able to search for information.
Back before the World Wide Web was discovered in order for people to be informed you either had to get your information from the local news or go down to your local public library. The only problem with the public library was that the library had very limited resources, as a result a person may not have found out the information he or she was looking for. The smaller towns suffered plenty from these occurrences due to the fact that the public library did not have the broad resources to supply as much information as the larger towns were able to. When the World Wide Web brought search engines to people in the privacy of their own homes, they now had the ability and the
Cited: Friedman, Thomas L. The World Is Flat. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007. Lohr, Steve. "How Google 's web dominance could be ambused." 13 October 2007. Inernational Herald Tribune. 14 October 2007 <>.