C2PCO, C2ClCO indi ating that the latter lusters inter- a t omparatively more strongly with CO. At all the om- putational levels, it is found that the lusters are having odd number of ele trons, |dG| and |Eads| follow the order of C2PCO (48.16 K al/mol, 2.44 eV) > C2ClCO (43.97
al/mol, 2.23 eV) > C2NaCO (30.31 K al/mol, 1.65 eV)
> C2AlCO (25.02 K al/mol, 1.43 eV), whereas, the order follows C2SCO (70.94 K al/mol, 3.44 eV) > C2SiCO (22.20
al/mol, 1.31 eV) > C2MgCO (20.96 K al/mol, 1.24 eV) for even number of ele trons, and
the order is found to be almost reversed in C-O bond lengths in both the ases as depi ted in Fig. 2. In addition, it is also found from the ee tive Mulliken harge (qCO) in CO mole ule provided in Table I, that maximum ele tron population is transferred from the arbon atoms of the host C2X to arbon of CO, on luding C most a tive site for the CO intera tion. In Table II, we report the results based on the al ula- tions of ondensed Fukui fun tion (CFF) analyses. From the optimization s heme, it is found that arbon atom of
luster is most a tive site for CO intera tion and the fa t is, however, not supported for all the ases. For ex- ample, in ase of C2Na, HOMO is able to produ e the highest f−
A value for the C (0.57e) atom, (at B3LYP/6-