Theme#1: Father/Son Relationship
Describe Vladek's relationship with his son Art in detail.
What people, memories, events, etc. influence their relationship?
Does it change, or stay the same?
Justify your interpretation with at least three specific examples to show what their relationship is like.
Example thesis statements:--
In Maus I/II, Art and Vladek had a ______ (adjective – claim) father/son relationship.
In Maus I/II, Art and Vladek had a ______ (adjective – claim) father/son relationship as a result of ______, _____, and ______ (preview 3 main ideas).
In Maus I/II, Art and Vladek’s______ (adjective – claim) relationship became better/worse/stayed the same over time because of…
Theme #2: Animal Artwork
Why does the author decide to portray people of different races and nationalities as different animals?
What effect does this have on the understanding and impact of the story?
Use least three examples from the book to support your interpretation.
Example thesis statements—
In Maus I/II, the author ArtSpiegelman chose to depict the Jews as mice and the Germans as cats because….
In Maus I/II, Art Spiegelman’s use of animals as symbols/metaphors affect the book by…
Theme#3: Past & Present/Character analysis
Write a character analysis of Vladek.
Choose three different character traits that describe him and locate at least three specific examples to support or prove each trait.
Are Vladek’s personality traits a product of his experiences during the Holocaust?
Does he change or stay the same in the book?
Explain using specific examples.
Example thesis statements:--
In Maus I/II, Vladek was ______ (trait 1), _______ (trait 2), and _______ (trait 3).
In Maus I/II, Vladek was _____ (trait 1), _______ (trait 2), and _______ (trait 3) because of…
(In the body paragraphs, you’d identify if those traits are related to his past, and whether he was this