However, sessions by principal to facilitate such disabled or uneducable students serve not up to the mark as it has dearth of special classrooms, proper strategy to make sure such students’ holistic advancement, and enough and apt educationalists. It is also true that it includes the elements of emotional, health, and social, sensory, and communication aspects, but due to flawed management and teaching practices by principals and other staff members, the efforts go in vein and they remain ineffective, except the occasional elementary achievements. Nevertheless, I have faith in the leadership abilities of the principals to make difference in the society because of their power privileges, intellectual knacks and humanistic …show more content…
I feel that, NGOs have extreme and deep influence in the society that provides immense opportunities for them to advance any program and for any NGOs, education domain remain prime concern. Talking about USAID helps, it was nice move by specific prime NGO in the town, but, it lacks boldness to spread organization’s movement within the society. However, it was an unprecedented step in the society, but it fails to instill the idea of inclusive and rich education to everyone, irrespective of disabled and abled status. It seems that the organization miss the mark to convey the messages of how to implement it that becomes one of the prime reasons for project’s failure. But, one thing surely it raised is evoking equality and fairness in the education system that become the starting point for many other movements, which support equality, democracy, and