Impartial juror was “one free from the dominant influence of knowledge acquired outside of the courtroom, free from strong and deep impressions that closes the mind” – Justice John Marshall…
Any discussion regarding the defining moments in Canada’s history must include the infamous October Crisis of 1970. Occurring throughout the province of Quebec, particularly in the metropolitan areas of Montreal, the socio-political implications of this affair were so significant that its effects can still be felt four decades later. However, many tend to overlook the substantial role that the media played in shaping the series of events that would eventually culminate in the first, and only, peacetime usage of the controversial War Measures Act and forever smear the relationship between Quebec and the Canadian government. Although many only see the major players as the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) and Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau and his federal government, the media played such a large role in sensationalizing the events and making tangible goods out of abstract concepts – such as civil liberties and public safety – that it should be considered its own entity in its entirety.…
America, land of the free. America, a country based in many ways on the freedom of press, and the freedom of speech. But what would happen to this great country, tis of thee, if these precious rights had ceased to exist? America, the land of liberty and home of the brave, would hold a great stock of uninformed and uneducated community, ready to rise up to anarchy at any moment; a crowd of undiverse and ununified people; and a population of souls unwilling to create because of the ever looming presence of big brother.…
in the First Amendment to the Constitution. So why do we need to be concerned…
I believe congress shouldn't restrict freedom of speech and freedom of press during times of war, because not only have we earned the right to speak our minds, it is also against the first amendment. The first amendement allows individuals to voice their opinion on the issue at hand, which is also a way to inform others. In addition, freedom of press is another way to inform the public of crucial matters, as well as providing information on the subject; however, at times the media can turn the matter into a joke. An example of this is SNL's portrayal of Republican nominee, Donald Trump, during the second presedential debate. In the sketch, SNL mocked him by portraying him as a hypocrite and a supremacist due to his responses to questions asked…
Dear Administration, I think that there should be some censorship when it comes to a college newspaper. Censorship should be limited, but also should be enforced in some way. They should be allowed freedom of speech as long as the posts are not offensive to the students in any way. The newspaper should positively represent the university but also give freedom for the people who write it to express themselves in a sensible way. The writers should be able to make the newspaper relatable and not so "proper" and should be able to relate to all students and student events. Censorship of the writers can cause the newspaper to not be authentic. I believe that freedom of speech is the best way for a newspaper to be original; but it should also contain…
In America, there is media bias because ratings tend to increase when the attention span is more focused on the issues at hand. For instance, people would much rather documentaries or visuals involving chaos and violence rather than a humanly interview. Therefore, media becomes biased because the chosen headliners and stories are consumed with drama which draws larger audiences. On the other hand, political views as portrayed in the news are more likely to be liberal than conservative. Although there is little evidence to support this claim, the political views in different forms of media are usually liberal dependent on social issues such as feminism, gay rights, and welfare. Depending on the carrier of media, a company such as Fox News or CBS might edit the actual news in order to fit their persona or political views behind the company.…
“I have had it with these monkey-fightin’ snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane.” –Samuel L. Jackson. This is a line from the movie Snakes on a Plane that before it was censored contained some choice words. Since the First Amendment censorship, has played a role in American life. Censorship is basically the editing or removal of material, either written or oral, as it may be considered to be offensive or inappropriate to some. Censorship protects our children from seeing what could possibly damage them mentally and keeps things that should not be seen in public in the shadows.…
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.…
The first amendment: freedom of speech is violated with censorship. In the ALA Library Bill of Rights, parents, and only parents, have the right to prohibit or control what their children read. Freedom of expression and of opinion is for everyone, not just for the people that the majority thinks are right. In 1953, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas said, “Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could easily defeat us,”(Quotations: First Amendment, Censorship…). This shows that even the government can see the harmful effects of book banning. Furthermore, “the school alone has the final say in what books are appropriate for the children under its care to read,…
Ans1) Susan Jacoby was a journalist since the age of seventeen and she is well known for her feminist writings. Susan Jacoby was referred as a “First Amendment junkie” by some other women for her personal views concerning the censorship of pornography in society. She gestated that censorship of any kind against pornography was wrong. Susan Jacoby did not necessarily agree with pornography, but still she felt that its rights guaranteed under the First Amendment should not be excluded. She is not advocating for off seen material but she is worried even important and vital issue for women may be censored. It takes away the choice of the individual, when government steps in and censors something. This is what she believed as there is no such thing as an overdose of the First amendment.…
Alan F. Westin, a privacy expert at Columbia University, once wrote: Privacy is the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others (self information control right). In this age of mass media, individual privacy has become a casualty of journalists’ feeding frenzy and it has become really hard for societies to determine the nature and process of information in the public domain. In this article I reflect on the problem in Nepal’s context.…
Censorship has affected America throughout its years, but modern America seems to be the most affected by censorship. Censorship occurs when we watch television or a movie, listen to the radio or buy music, or even read a book or magazine. There are regulations for what the public can and can’t see or hear. So who decides what the public can and can’t see? Who ultimately decides what is obscene and what should therefore be suppressed? Aren’t we a society capable of making that decision for ourselves? Apparently not, and perhaps for good reason too, because what is not obscene to one person may be objectionable to another. "Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each…
The word censorship communicates a negative overtone. Basically, it refers to restrictions placed on an individual’s or group’s right to publicly communicate something in a variety of formats. In America, there are instances in which individuals and groups are censored for the wrong reasons. For instance, a person of faith should not be censored from praying in public. There are too many instances of this occurring which indicates the fascination with being politically correct has reached a point of absurdity. Yet, there are things in American culture that should be restricted. For example, pornography should not be freely disseminated among children. Pornography should be censored. As a Christian, I see no place for pornography at all but…
Stop! You are not allowed to read this it could include subversive messages. Subversive messages can make people do or think horrible things. Making people do or think horrible things, whatever those might be is the reason why some people decide it is better to take materials away from students. By taking materials away from students they feel that they are protecting them, but in reality they are hurting society. Censorship causes erosion in education, keeps the masses from expanding their horizons, and stops the public from making informed decisions about foreign policies.…