Software means computer instructions or data. Anything that can be stored electronically is software, in contrast to storage devices and display devices which are called hardware.
Categories of Software:
Software is often divided into two categories.
System Software
Application Software
History of System and Application Software:
Systems programmers invariably wrote in assembly language. Experiments with hardware support in high level languages in the late 1960s led to such languages as PL/S, BLISS, BCPL, and extended ALGOL for large systems. Forth also has an application as a systems language. In the 1980s, C became worldwide, aided by the growth of UNIX. More recently C++ has seen some use.
IT application development has been on an evolutionary journey since the 1960’s which was written in assembler language. But later in November 2001 it was re-enhanced by IBM Software group.
Introduction of System and Application Software:
System software is any computer software which manages and controls computer hardware so that application software can perform a task. System software deals with the architecture of a computer.
Application software is all the computer software that causes a computer to perform useful tasks (compare with computer viruses) beyond the running of the computer itself. It interacts with end users and basically does whatever end user is working on. Application software does NOT deal with the architecture of a computer.
Basic Meaning of Software’s(Sys&App):
System software means critical parts of an operating system. It is basically the OS(Operating System) heart.It may be any application which makes the computer work in the right manner.
In Information Technology, an application software is a computer program designed to help people perform an activity.
Basic types of application software:
Application suite
Enterprise Infrastructure Software
Content Access Software