Riggs indirectly characterizes Jacob by showing that he is a misunderstood and curious 15yr old boy. When his grandfather died he said he saw a monster;everyone thought he was crazy and they weren’t quite sure how to deal with it. As he found out more about this weird island and what the monster is he wants to go and see it himself. So his family doesn’t really understand him but he will try to find out what would really happened to his grandfather and who is Miss.Peregrine. This can be similar to your life, because sometimes your …show more content…
nature and a man v. self conflict. He goes through this because in the beginning he “gages and struggles” in the water. In the woods he gives Zaroff a “trail to follow” and he puts traps for him. A man v. self is when he’s in the woods and he keeps telling himself “I must keep my nerve. I must keep my nerve” he says that over and over again. This shows how though it is to be in the jungle/woods even for sometime. Some of these conflicts can happen in your life but not often. You could be swimming in a pool or ocean and suddenly get water into your mouth then you start to “gag and struggle”, because you are using your energy to not swallow it or get mare into your mouth. You can also find yourself in a situation in which you start repeating things to yourself. These some ways that this conflict can relate to your