My essay is on “In the White Man’s Image” because I have such an interest and shock in how a race can be almost eliminated in a legal fashion. After researching Richard Henry Pratt I found out that he was married. The article of Captain Pratt’s School makes no note of him being married or even mentions any involvement that Pratt might have had with a women. I found this information on the web site, There are several issues I believe the reader should know more about. As I researched more on Richard Henry Pratt I found out little things that were not elaborated in the book or the link Carlisle Indian Industrial School. For example …show more content…
Many Indians did very well after attending Carlisle. They learned many traits aside from reading, writing, and arithmetic which open a new world of opportunities, many becoming educators and administrators. On the other hand after four to five years at Carlisle many of the students returned to their homelands depressed and desperate to find themselves. They had been away from their families for a very long time and upon their return emotional confusion set in. These Carlisle students felt as outsiders or foreigner on the reservation due to a culture and language that was no longer a party of their lives. They also soon learned that a lot of the new White Man skills that were taught to them were not needed on the reservations. As stated on page 17 of Flyover History: Remembering Our Ignored Past, a Lakota Indian, Plenty Horses, murdered Lieutenant Edward W. Casey. It states “Five years I attended Carlisle and was educated in the ways of the white man. I am lonley. I shot the lieutenant so I might make a place for myself among my