2.6.1. Physical evaluation of the prepared cubogels
The freshly prepared cubo-gels were examined by visual inspection, where the prepared formulae were examined for their physical characteristics (e.g., color and homogeneity). In addition, the pH of a 10 % aqueous solution of the Cl-cubogels was measured.
2.6.2. Rheological properties evaluation of the prepared Cl-cubogels
The prepared Cl-cubogels were evaluated a rotational Brookfield viscometer of cone and plate structure, using spindle CPE-41 at 25 ± 2 °C.. About 0.5 g of tested formula was applied to the plate and settings the speed range from 0.3 to 60 rpm or 0.5 to 100 rpm with 10s between each two successive speeds. when the torque was within 10–100% (the acceptable range) rheological data (the viscometer were shear stress and viscosity at different shear rate values) were recorded (Azhari et al., 2016).
Studying the rheological behavior using the rheological data was by fitting the power law model: τ=Kγ^n Equ (2)
Where τ is the shear stress, γ is the rate of shear, K is the consistency index (sec.), and n is the flow index. When n in the range (zero to one) this means a shear thinning fluid, …show more content…
The rabbits’ abdominal skin was used as the membrane model after shaving the hair and maximally removing the subcutaneous fats. Each sample was applied on the diffusion surface of the skin (2.5 cm2 available diffusion area) in the donor compartment equivalence to 2mg Cl. The receptor compartment filled with 7.5ml 10% ethanol buffer system, (PBS, pH 7.4), stirred at 50 rpm, and maintained at 32°C±0.5°C. Ethanol was added to maintain the sink condition and increase Cl solubility. The test was performed for 48 hours, and the samples were withdrawn and the drug amount was determined by previously described