A Paper
Presented to
Southwestern College of Professional Studies
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
Systematic Theology 2 THEO 522
Daniel Adkins
The purpose of this article is to provide a review of “St Athanasius On the Incarnation” highlighting important themes with respect to his Christology. This is a very nice and easy to read book. I believe that this book would be beneficial for all Christian to read. St Athanasius ' does a great job of presenting theology in an unadulterated and so clear that it easily outmaneuvers the many contemporary theological books.
The book is divided into nine chapters. There are eight actual chapters and a conclusion. In each of these chapters he presents what is almost a religious instruction to lead the individual who is reading, to the answer to one very important question for all Christian: what was the "supreme object" of Christ 's coming? As Athanasius answers this question in chapter four:
The supreme object of His coming was to bring about the resurrection of the Lord 's body. This was to be the monument to His victory over death, the assurance to all that He had Himself conquered corruption and that their own bodies also would eventually be incorrupt.
This is clearly what the scripture teaches, but there are times when it is very important that the mind and the soul be not cluttered with theological theories. This at time may prohibit all of the details from coming together and may increase the difficulty in summarizing them clearly. I haven 't read every piece of the current theological writings, but what I have read was not written so profoundly yet so confortable to read. Athanasius does a superb job at expressing some of the deepest aspects of Christianity with such simplicity. This is what separates this book from others in its class and also
Bibliography: Anatolios, Khaled. ‘The Soteriological Significance of Christ’s Humanity in St. Athanasius’, St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly (1969): 265-286. Aquino, Frederick D. The Incarnation: The Dignity and Honor of Human Personhood. Abilene, TX, July 17, 1997. Costache, Doru. The Inner Side of the Visible: Apostolic Criteria and Spirit in the Orthodox Tradition. Constanta: Editura Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului, 2006. Keselopoulos, A. Creation of the World in Man and the Environment: A Study of St Symeon the New Theologian. Crestwood: SVS Press, 2001. Louth, Andrew. “Athanasius’ understanding of the humanity of Christ”. Studia Patristica. vol. 16. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1985. St. Athanasius (1998). On the Incarnation. Crestwood, NY: SVS Press