In the book, “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” written …show more content…
The father tries to have sexual relations with Linda and threatens her if she chooses otherwise. This is where she starts to outwit him with her ability to be smart. Linda begins to have sexual relationships with one of her owners neighbors, the neighbor being white of course. She decides that having an affair with the neighbor is better than being abused by her current owner. This is one example of how slaves were able to use their minds to win a psychological …show more content…
He moved to the north part of the United States and began to try and live a normal life there with his soon to be wife. He then went on the preach about the negative effects of slavery across the northern United States. He was one of the very few African American people who was employed by an all white society. When Frederick Douglass wrote his novel he had to be cautious. Because legally his owner had the right to track him down, so he ran. He did not stay in one place for very long at all. For a while he even left the country. He would spend a good amount of time on British soil. He did not return to American ground until his friends purchased his freedom. He at that time had no chains holding him back. He was basically a free man. After he was set free he maintained his position on slavery, he still pursued for equal freedom, not just for African Americans but also for woman as