• Freedom – Australians have the freedom to have our say in what we believe, we have the freedom to do what we want if it is still under the law and not harming anyone else. For instance, we have the freedom to drive but we are not allowed to hurt someone while we are driving. Freedom is a good value in Australia because we can do what we want if it is safe without the government stopping us, we are able to say what we want, wear what we want and do what we want. (Easton, et al., 2016)
• Equality – Equality is where everyone is respected as a person for who they are and what they do. Australia has a lot of different people living here and if a person is not treated equally then things won’t …show more content…
Inclusion can be hard to achieve, if someone doesn’t like something that you like you think of them differently, if someone has more money than someone else you think of them differently, but everyone is the same because we are all humans and part of being humans is to be different. Everyone in Australia is included in everything no matter of how different they are. Inclusion is a very important value in Australia because we are all different and are all included. (Easton, et al., …show more content…
Multiculturalism in Australia began when the first European settlers came to Australia in 1788. The first European settlers thought that Australia was theirs and ‘claimed’ it for themselves. The treatment of the Aboriginals was harsh and inhuman all because they were ‘different’ (Australians, n.d.). In 1983 my mum migrated to Australia with her mum, her brother and her sister. Before they came to Australia they lived in Romania, my grandfather escaped Romania because it was a very communist country, he escaped but got caught in Serbia, did a years’ time in jail, went back to Romania and then escaped again but made it to Australia. From then they have lived an amazing life. If Australia wasn’t multicultural my mum and dad’s family wouldn’t have been able to come to Australia which then means I wouldn’t be here to live an amazing