In the words of Loreman and Deppeler (2001) “Inclusion means full inclusion of children with diverse abilities in all aspects of schooling that other children are able to access and enjoy. It involves ‘regular’ schools and classrooms genuinely adapting and changing to meet the needs of all children as well as celebrating and valuing differences.”
“Inclusive education is concerned with removing all barriers to learning and with the participation of all learners vulnerable to exclusion and marginalization. It is a strategic approach designed to facilitate learning success for all children. It addresses the common goals of decreasing and overcoming all exclusion from the human right to education, at least at the elementary level, and enhancing access, participation and learning success in quality basic education for all.” (Education for All 2000 Bulletin, UNESCO. NO.32.1998)
Meaning of Inclusive Education:
Inclusive Education means (Ghosh, 2003)
a) Improving school so that all children learn more successfully and failure rate is reduced;
b) That schools and teachers accept that children are individuals and then school must be flexible and find ways to meet the needs to each child;
c) Teachers know how to help all children in the class when they have problems;
d) That children with disabilities can go to their local schools and learn along side friends;
e) That schools and parents work together to help their children to learn;
f) Ensuring child right to education a reality. This is an important aspect of the internationally agreed ‘convention on the Rights of the Child.’
What is not inclusion?
i) Inclusion does not mean dumping children with special needs into the regular classrooms as is noticed in most