As Petty (2004) suggests the verbal channel of communication is the one most often used in teaching, but for many purposes visual information is more effective. Research shows that information enters our brain in the following way: 87% by eyes, 9% by ears and 4% by other senses. Visual aids offer variety and interest and are often a form of teaching in which I rely on as a teacher of adults with special learning needs. This is due to many of the students I teach having limited or no literacy skills. When a task is set that requires ideas to be written down, it is fundamental that I assign a support worker to that student or group of students to ensure that their ideas or thoughts are recorded to ensure inclusivity within the learning environment. 1.1 Explain how approaches to learning and teaching in own specialism meet the needs of learners. It is very important to use a variety of teaching strategies so that you can keep your learners engaged, and that you can cater for as many learning styles as possible so that all levels of learner can be stretched and challenged. One
As Petty (2004) suggests the verbal channel of communication is the one most often used in teaching, but for many purposes visual information is more effective. Research shows that information enters our brain in the following way: 87% by eyes, 9% by ears and 4% by other senses. Visual aids offer variety and interest and are often a form of teaching in which I rely on as a teacher of adults with special learning needs. This is due to many of the students I teach having limited or no literacy skills. When a task is set that requires ideas to be written down, it is fundamental that I assign a support worker to that student or group of students to ensure that their ideas or thoughts are recorded to ensure inclusivity within the learning environment. 1.1 Explain how approaches to learning and teaching in own specialism meet the needs of learners. It is very important to use a variety of teaching strategies so that you can keep your learners engaged, and that you can cater for as many learning styles as possible so that all levels of learner can be stretched and challenged. One