Population growth is one of the important factors, which determine the effort made to rehabilitate degraded areas. The increase in the size of the population can influence land rehabilitation practices either positively or negatively depending on the issue whether it has led to intensive or extensive agricultural practices in the area.
As it can be understood from Table 13, 68.2% of the respondents replied that increase in size of population in a given area result in decrease in the involvement of the society on land management practices. While 27.4% of the respondents indicated that with the increase in population size, the involvement of their community in land management practices increases.
Respondents …show more content…
Those respondents who replied “increasing” have also given their reasons. Most of them replied that as human population size increases labor supply also increases and due to this population increase positively influence the involvement in land management practices.
4.7.4 Family Members Motive to Involve in Land Management Practices.
Regarding the involvement and support of household members to land management practices,
58.1% in Zobecho, 62.9% in Bucha, 57.9% in Gubena Ambercho and 58.8% in Gede Genet of sampled household heads confirmed that their family members are willing to participate in any natural resource conservation activities. While considerable number of respondents i.e. 41.9% in Zobecho, 37.1% in Bucha, 42.1% in Gubena Ambercho and 41.2% in Gede Genet respectively replied that there is no motive of the household members to involve in land management practices (See Table 13). This is mainly due to declining trend of land productivity and involvement of the household members in off-farm …show more content…
Accordingly, 84.6% in Zobecho, 89.7% in Bucha, 85.4% in Gubena Ambercho and 88.2% in Gede Genet respondents replied that they implemented soil and water conservation structures on their farm land. The services they got as a result of extension programs include technical advice on the utilization of chemical fertilizer, improved seed and pesticides, better farming methods and soil and water conservation practices (terraces and check-dam construction, water harvesting and compost preparation). However, as they reported, the services were not enough to effectively minimize or halt natural resource degradation as compared to the magnitude of the