Gerrit A.J van der Rijt, Ph.D., Leen S.J Haenens, Ph.D., Pascalle van Straten, M.Sc. (2002). Smoking and other substance use as distinct features of teenage subcultures. Journal of Adolescent Health. V31, I5, 433–435.…
In Hawai’i, increased tobacco regulation and education campaigns have produced a greater awareness of the health consequences of tobacco use. This knowledge has influenced more smokers to quit. However, with withdrawal symptoms obstructing the smoker’s progress, the demand for cessation assistance has increased. Therefore, it is essential that existing cessation programs provide quality services and support to assist smokers in achieving a smoke-free lifestyle. However, with limited funding and resources, the success of a program ultimately depends on the organization’s ability to effectively manage resources to achieve their goal. This project aims to highlight the importance of management in successfully promoting smoking cessation. The student will analyze the various components necessary for the development and continuation of a cessation program and how these factors affect the participant’s ability to quit.…
Tingen, M., Andrews, J., & Stevenson, A. (2009, 02192010). Primary and secondary tobacco prevention in youth. Annual Review of Nursing Research, (27),…
The sole purpose of this APA sample paper is to demonstrate APA style, 6th ed.…
Healthy people 2020 objectives related to adolescent is to reduce use of cigarettes use by adolescents by 3.5 percent and the initiation of cigarette use by 2 percent. Another goal would be to reduce the number of adolescents that are exposed to cigarette smoke by 4.5 percent. Statistics from Healthy People 2020 show that in 2008 and 2009 19.5 percent of adolescents were current smokers, 6.3 percent had just begun smoking in the past 12 months, and 45.5 percent of adolescents who do not smoke were exposed to secondhand smoke (Healthy people 2020, 2017). We believe the overall goal for this population is to increase their knowledge of tobacco’s negative effects on their health. The purpose of education on this topic would be to reduce the number of people who use these products, which would increase the population's overall health by helping reduce secondhand smoke exposure.…
Lichtenstein, E. (1982). The smoking problem: a behavioral perspective. The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50 (6), 804-819.…
The purpose of this grant is to reach teenagers and youth across the state through tobacco prevention education. This education has the purpose of reaching these teenagers in a way where they will be willing to respond and remain nonsmokers or quit if the habit has already been undertaken. The ultimate purpose is to protect and inform teenagers to act as advocates for non smoking and promote tobacco-free lifestyles, as well as provide access to quitting for current teen smokers.…
Smoking cessation is critical in the management of any cardiopulmonary disease and involves multiple interventions (Buttaro, 2012). CJ should be educated on the dangers of smoking and how an improved quality of life can be attained with smoking cessation.…
This report will focus on smoking behaviours in teenagers. Smoking is……………..? Smoking is the single greatest cause of preventable illness and early death and is an issue of great concern. The report is about behaviour change, models and approaches in teenage smoking. The two that will be looked at are the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and social learning theory (SLT). Section 1- describes the scale of the public health challenge for smoking and gives statistics whilst discussing the health risks associated with smoking. Section 2 - looks at polices that are in place with regards to health and adopting healthy behaviours and lifestyles. Section 3 -discusses behaviour and behaviour change in teenagers and salient areas of concern. Section 4 - looks at a range of behaviour change interventions to find out ‘what works’. It summarises the theory of reasoned action and compares it with the health belief model, it then goes on to Beatties typology and talks in detail of government, community, individual and the groups interventions regarding smoking and what each of these are doing in the area of teenage smoking. Then Section 5 looks at health promotion with regards to planning programmes to intervene and finally section 6 concludes with the reports finding.…
Many researchers have conducted studies over the controversial topic of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid. In a review article conducted by Orellana, Payne, Medrano-Juarez, Yang, and Nugent (2016), the researchers review 17 trials and found that participants who had e-cigarettes with nicotine had a high rate of cessation than compared to e-cigarettes without nicotine. Orellana et al. (2016) further discussed that however most smokers who actually quit do so without the help of nicotine replacement, medication, or counseling. In a consult by Weidman-Evans, Black, and Fort (2015) found the best option for smoking cessation is to use another form of nicotine replacement therapy. Fort et al. (2015) also mentioned that smoking cessation…
References: Bierer, M.F., Rigotti, N.A. Public policy for the control of tobacco-related disease. Medical Clinics of North America 76: 515-539, 1992. Bracht, N. (Editor). Health Promotion at the Community Level. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990. COMMIT Design and Evaluation Working Group. “1989 Evaluation Cohort Survey.” (5/26/89 version.) Unpublished document, 1989. COMMIT Research Group. Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT): Summary of design and intervention. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 83(22): 1620-1628, 1991. Escobedo, L.G., Anda, R.F., Smith, P.F., Remington, P.L., Mast, E.E. Sociodemographic characteristics of cigarette smoking initiation in the United States: Implications for smoking prevention policy. Journal of the American Medical Association 264(12): 1550-1555, 1990. Frankel, B.G. Reducing tobacco consumption: Public policy alternatives for Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal 138: 419-423, 1988. Glynn, T. Comprehensive approaches to tobacco use control. British Journal of Addictions 86: 631-635, 1991. Jason, L.A., Ji, P.Y., Anes, M.D., Birkhead, S.H. Active enforcement of cigarette control laws in the prevention of cigarette sales to minors. Journal of the American Medical Association 266(22): 31593161, 1991. Kingdon, J. Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policy. Boston: Little, Brown, 1984. Pertschuk, M., Shopland, D.R. (Editors). Major Local Smoking Ordinances in the United States: A Detailed Matrix of the Provisions of Workplace, Restaurant, and Public Places Smoking Ordinances. NIH Publication No. 90-479. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, 1989. Reich, R.B. Policy making in a democracy. In: The Power of Public Ideas, R.B. Reich (Editor). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988. pp.…
Tingen, M., Andrews, J., & Stevenson, A. (2009). Primary and secondary tobacco prevention in youth. Annual Review Of Nursing Research, 27171-193. doi:10.1891/0739-6686.27.171…
Use recommended manual/pocket-guide. Compare your PERSON Need assessment data to the Nursing Diagnoses Labels. Encircle the Nursing Diagnoses Labels which may apply to your patient.…
There are so many different facets of nursing. Nurses are given so many tools to utilize in our role of educator to patients. It has to be kept in mind that we are doing this with our patients continuously. Every time a task is completed with patients and it is explained what is being doing, teaching is being conducted and hopefully they will take that with them in the future. Nurses need to be adequately equipped with the tools needed to teach patients. Without proper education, how are nurses expected to pass on knowledge.…
Picking my question from the list of approve topics was the easy part. Smoking cessation is a constant problem that affects many of our patients. We are always educating our patients on smoking cessation and the risk factors. I had a hard time finding the intervention and control group in my study. Initially, I wanted to assess nicotine patches vs nicotine gum. After researching, I did not find many relevant articles. After completing an admission at work, I realized almost all of our patients that are addicted to nicotine refuse counseling. I finally found my intervention and control of my study with relevant research. Thank you all for the feedback, I really appreciate the suggestions. I am excited to learn more about evidenced based practice…